Welcome to Dr. Don J. Grundmann’s collection of writings (from multiple years & still in an editorial process) that have been put together on this page, as a draft, and presented as: …..
** Contract with California 2021 – 2022 A Red Pill Manifesto of Sanity **
Dear Citizen :
The Constitution Party of California presents the following ideas as a ” Contract with California ” – an analysis of current issues of vital importance to our state and a blueprint for eventually restoring the prosperity and happiness of our citizens. We will start on our long journey in the year 2021 but the ultimate recovery and prosperity of our state and nation can take years and even decades to achieve.
We present the following abbreviated discussions on a a few of the countless issues which affect our culture, society, and state and pledge that our party will continuously and diligently work to provide the noted solutions. We enthusiastically invite public discourse regarding all issues and challenge detractors to factually oppose both our discussions and solutions. Any such detractors should be ready to present their perspectives via debate/public discussion and to refrain from cowardly hiding from defending their views.
We note that regarding these or any other issues we minimally support the platform of the national Constitution Party as it addresses them but we do not claim to speak for the national party. We speak only as their California affiliate.
We note that as a background for the proper understanding of many of the following issues to be discussed we will continually address and clarify a phenomenon known as ” Social Engineering ” ( S.E. ) -noun : the use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society.
We invite you to support the restoration of constitutional and conservative/rational principles in our state, in addition to both sanity and common sense, by filling out a voter registration form to be a member of the Constitution Party. As we are currently considered as a ” minor party ” you may join us, and aid us in our growth, by checking ” other ” in the party preference box on your form and writing in ” Constitution.”
As we describe below; the Constitution Party is the last true/real conservative and constitutionalist/rational Party in our state and your wonderful assistance will help us to bring vitally needed, but currently increasingly denied ( see below ), perspectives to our public discourse.
As an additional aid to our Party we ask that you forward our ” Contract ” to as many friends as possible so that increasing numbers of citizens may consider our perspectives. In a time when the Plantation Masters, Elites, and VPP ( see below regarding these groups ) are increasingly and viciously sterilizing and eliminating opposing views/thoughts/ideas from consideration the light of freedom must be carried by each individual against such dictators/monsters in the Battle/War for Humanity.
We note additionally that these commentaries are ” Red Pill ” ( noun : used to refer to a process by which a person’s perspective is dramatically transformed, introducing them to a new and typically disturbing understanding of the true nature of a particular situation ); i.e.; we are indeed dramatically different from traditional political parties as we seek to not only expose the true nature of our state and national situations but to positively affect our culture, society, and nation with life affirming and promoting action policies and programs which aid all citizens both economically and, most especially, personally.
We are hence: not ” Big Tent ” where we, as ” 98 pound weaklings ” of old comic book ads; accept sand-in-the-face as blown by the cultural breeze and grovel to any and all imposed cultural trends, no matter how insane, but rather the reverse – we A) stand in unapologetic defense of the cultural and societal pillars of Western Civilization; and B) ” vaccinate ” our culture, society, and nation against the noted attacking forces; i.e.; we work to oppose and defeat evil and are not overcome by, or surrender to it.
We stand, as a Party of Life, in Christian defense of all of humanity including our state and nation.
We invite all men and women of good will to join our endeavor.
You are always welcome to contact our Party via the below noted methods :
1-855-6373336 ( 8556FREEDOM ),
We pray that our Creator will bless you.
Author – Don J. Grundmann, D.C. Chairman
Contract Issues :
- 1) COVID-19 : Reality and Recovery
- 2) Economic Recovery and Renaissance
- 3) Stop the American Mafia – the true key to financial recovery, prosperity, and restoring our Republic
- 4) Health Care – We need a Revolution
- 5) ” Climate Change ” – The Sky Is NOT Falling
- 6) Say ” NO!! ” to the ” Banana Republic “
- 7) Make America Great Again ( MAGA ) – Make America Constitutional Again ( MACA)
- 8) ” White Supremacy ” starts and ends with Planned Parenthood
- 9) ALL Lives Matter but Black Lives Matter ( BLM ) are Enemies of both; African America & Humanity as a whole
- 10) White Nationalism – A) We love our country; B) We don’t apologize for that; C) Modern Caucasians have nothing to apologize for; D) Modern Day Racists must apologize to Caucasians
- 11) The LGBT War Against Humanity
- 12) Save children from the soul molestation of ” transgender ”
- 13) Save the children – abandon the public school system
- 14) Save Women – Stop the attack of Feminism
- 15) Save Men – Stop the production of ” Betas “
- 16) Save Humanity – Stop the Lizard People
- 17) It is more than OK to be white
- 18) The American Independent Party of California – utterly corrupt-to-the-bone and beyond
- 19) Recall Newsom – a King Rat in the Rat Army
- 20) No ” Unity ” with Satan/Demons
- 21) The Religion of Evolution – a key to Social Engineering
- 22) The Main Stream Media ( MSM ) – Enemies of The Republic and Enemies of Humanity
- 23) As our Constitutional Republic, including California is murdered; so dies the world
- 24) The planned, and permanent; suspension of the Constitution
- 25) The future and what shall we do
1) COVID-19 : Reality and Recovery
The public health crisis regarding COVID-19 is a virtual complete fraud. Exposure of the origins of this monstrous ” gain-of-function ” ( increased infectivity ) biological warfare attack must be fully exposed but will most probably be forever hidden by ” The Junta ” ( see below ). The virus has NOT been isolated in a non-weapons lab and is a weaponized variant/mutation of the common flu. Original hysterical predictions of mass deaths in the millions have long ago been shown to be complete fantasies. The collective harm from COVID-19, which has a minimal survival rate of 99.7%, is very similar to the common flu at lower ages with the elderly of 70+ increasingly open to complications due to immune system dysfunction. The mass majority of those infected experience no symptomology. Overall death rates are little increased by the occurrence of COVID-19. Seasonal flu & emphysema deaths are way down while COVID ” deaths ” are up; i.e.; the numbers are being manipulated/reclassified to justify the Social Engineering induced panic, fear, and hysteria. ” Cases ” ( which include both useless tests – the main PCR test is completely fake – and an extreme amount of false positives ) have no connection to mortality rates with both numbers being wildly exaggerated via manufactured fear and hysteria promoted by public health bureaucrats, ultra corrupt politicians, and ( especially ) the mainstream media ( MSM ). Diagnosis of COVID-19 as a primary cause of illness provides exorbitant funding benefits leading to documented car accident fatalities and suicides being reclassified as primarily virus caused; i.e.; the pigs are lining up at the COVID-19 government trough as there is money to be made via both changing/modifying the diagnosis and inflating the numbers. From the moment you are born to the moment you die, and including THIS VERY MOMENT, you are surrounded and attacked by literally countless, and unnamed, ” bugs ” such as COVID-19. The only difference now is that A) the ” bug ” is named; and B) the MSM has promoted a national and worldwide panic/hysteria.
Bottom Line – God created you with an immune system to fight off and defeat countless and endless such attacks throughout your life. Trying to run and hide from COVID-19, unless the citizen is already weakened with a ” co-morbidity,” is an exercise in total futility as can be seen by the continuing and expanding ” waves ” of cases sweeping through the nation; ” waves ” ( unknown in previous/typical ” pandemics ” ) which will NEVER stop but which will increasingly be used to accomplish their true purpose of economically destroying the nation behind the pretext/excuse/cover story of protecting the citizens. The mass majority of deaths with any connection to COVID-19 have occurred to those who have the infection but have died due to other conditions known as ” co-morbidities ” ( 94% according to the CDC ) and not because of it exclusively ( 6% at most according to the CDC ). Absolutely no attempt is made via the MSM or hysterical and tyrannical public health officials and politicians to tell the populace of many basic, common, and extremely successful nutritional methods of enhancing their immune system ( such as supplementation with Vitamin D3, zinc, Vitamin C, omega 3 fatty acids, and glutathione ) to both ward off and defeat infection. Gyms are closed and stay-at-home ” orders ” are given when a kindergarten level of health knowledge knows that exercise ( + sunlight ) is both extremely important and effective in developing and maintaining a strong immune system. Such closures and ” orders ” hence provide zero protection to the public and in fact demonstrably weaken the immune systems of the citizenry; i.e.; they produce negative/worsened effects/results upon both the singular and collective health of the public. Proven successful methods of stopping the virus, such as a program inclusive of hydroxychloroquine, are slandered and removed from availability to the public. Masks ( which limit oxygen flow and retain carbon dioxide thus immediately compromising/diminishing the immune system by producing hypoxia ) have in multiple studies been shown to do nothing to stop the spread of the virus ( ” trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence ” ). Mask box labels announce that they do not protect from a virus + government bureaucrats have recently called for wearing 2 and more masks at the same time for better protection and even after vaccination; i.e.; they know that neither the masks nor the vaccination(s) work/accomplish the stated/pretended goal(s). Their usage with ” social distancing ” is simply ” Kabuki theater;” a useless pretending of providing an answer for the epidemic the real purpose of which is to use ” Social Engineering ” ( S.E. ) to produce a desired political result ( to defeat President Trump by hysterically and insanely blaming all deaths and even the spreading of the virus on him ) and to prepare/condition the populace to accept both permanent mandatory/forced vaccinations ( which at best will be of no benefit – see ” vaccine? ” note below ) and the intended economic devastation which has been produced. Economic ” lockdowns,” quarantines, ” tiers,” curfews and other such measures are totally ineffective hysteria produced nonsense ( with zero supportive evidence or connection to REAL ” science ” ) which have replaced the long forgotten original claimed objective of ” flattening the curve.”
Shattering the economy to oppose the equivalent of the common flu makes absolutely no logical sense but makes perfect perverse/sick sense if the real intent of the actions is not the cover story of defeating COVID-19 but rather to: A) produce a political result of defeating President Trump and (especially) B) the training/preparation/education of our society and citizens via Social Engineering to accept, endorse, and promote massive and catastrophic permanent negative changes regarding both their basic lives and rights. Extensive evidence demonstrates that the ” pandemic ” was both expected and planned for literally years in advance ( COVID-19 tests were patented in 2015 and 2017; see/investigate also ” Event 201 ” and Fauci advance knowledge, found at MessanoNews.com ). We present that the economic collapse which is promoted and accentuated by the ” scamdemic ” panic/hysteria is not an unintended side-effect but is instead the bare beginnings of an intended, and extremely comprehensive, massive societal ” Reset ” ( see more below ) which is ultimately intended to erase and replace our Constitutional Republic.
The Constitution Party of California, as the ONLY state political party which will challenge and expose the ” scamdemic,” hence demands the following actions regarding COVID-19 ” –
A) Immediate implementation of standard public health measures inclusive of protection of at-risk population sub-groups ( the elderly and known immune compromised persons ). Only at-risk and afflicted persons are isolated; NOT the entire population inclusive of healthy persons.
B) Immediate suspension of all economic closures of any form; i.e.; a return to all pre-lockdown economic activity. Seasonal flu is recognized as a recurring yearly health hazard for which there are NO economic lockdown or extraordinary measures taken in claiming to shield the populace. The COVID-19 alternative is an intended PERMANENT economic lockdown as endless waves of the virus and its mutations ” wash ” through the populace in the months and years ahead. We must make a societal decision – will we live in permanent fear of a disease condition which is at best/worst comparable in mortality to the common flu? Especially when the economic devastation produced by that fear results in far far far more cumulative public health damage than the condition itself?
C) A mass educational program must be implemented by all public health officials to inform the public of the vast array of methods and nutritional options ( such as Vitamin D supplementation and exercise as basic examples ) which are available to strengthen the immune system. We note that the MSM has been increasingly producing ” Fake News ” that nutritional supplementation has no effect for immune system enhancement when in fact excellent benefits can be achieved over time when supplementation is initiated as soon as possible.
D) In complete contrast to current COVID-19 tests; which at best ( when not being a false positive ) simply confirm a past, and POSSIBLE current, exposure to a SARS/COVID virus; a mass testing for Vitamin D levels must be implemented by public health officials due to the virtually 100% correlation between low nutrient levels and infectious success of the pathogen. Proper enhancement of the immune system will provide orders of magnitude improvement in immune system function in comparison with the best theoretical improvement via vaccination. Subsequent mass mobilization of Vitamin D supplementation inclusive of appropriate co-factors, such as Vitamin K, must be encouraged and supported.
E) All censoring of health information regarding possible treatment programs for COVID-19, such as has occurred with hydroxychloroquine, must be immediately terminated so that knowledge regarding these treatments is freely disseminated. MSM outlets must be challenged and exposed for their increasingly outrageous and monstrous censorship of methods used to easily defend against and defeat the pathogen.
F) The following commentary on vaccines is predicated/qualified with a ” ? ” behind the word to indicate that the substances currently popularly considered/claimed to be anti-COVID vaccines and promoted by the MSM as such are in fact NOT vaccines; i.e.; they do NOT fit the legal definition of a vaccine. They are instead genetic modification injections/experiments. These facts are explained at multiple sources in the ” Recommended resources ” below.
Administration of vaccines must in all cases be completely voluntary. Under no possible circumstances must administration of vaccines? be mandatory. All citizens must be fully informed regarding any vaccine?. How well the vaccine? is expected to work, what are its potential side effects, and that pharmaceutical companies are already fully protected from any liability for adverse reactions are minimal requirements. Citizens must be informed that a vaccine? will NOT A) stop them from being infected and/or reinfected, and/or B) stop them from possibly infecting others; i.e.; a low infectious pathogen ” load “/amount may result in no symptomology but a retention of the ability of the pathogen to still be transferred by the now vaccinated? host.
Citizens must additionally be informed that the MSM is actively suppressing/” blacking out ” information/knowledge regarding adverse vaccination? reactions both currently and in the future; i.e.; that current vaccines? are producing both large numbers of immediate adverse/negative reactions and are producing conditions ( making the immune system attack the host body inclusive of ” antibody dependent enhancement ” ) which will manifest in severe long term health collapse/reduction at later dates.
Such suppression of knowledge includes extremely strong evidence that ALL vaccines?, as foreign substances injected into the body, induce an immune system response which produces ” microscopic/mini-strokes ” resulting in vascular/capillary damage and reduction of tissue oxygenation. Subsequent health deterioration is diverted from consideration of vaccination? as a causal effect due, in great degree/measure, to the time lag between injection and health collapse.
The author has seen multiple people who have been virtually immediately destroyed/shattered by the COVID vaccine?. Future deterioration/degeneration/debilitation of large numbers of recipients/targets due to adverse reactions is a virtual certainty.
Our prediction – starting at 3 to 6 months, and extending for the life span of the target, post-vaccination? increasing numbers of vaccine? recipients will begin to experience increasing symptomology resulting from auto-immune reactions to the vaccines?. Such adverse reactions are part of a ” long-game “/term program regarding the ultimate objectives of the entire COVID endeavor and are discussed below. G) Citizens must be informed that the current ludicrous public health response is based on ” Germ Theory;” i.e.; based on the work of Pasteur and declaring that ” germs ” are the cause of disease and are waiting around every corner to ” get you ” vs ” Terrain Theory,” founded by Bechamp, which promotes strengthening of the immune system to defeat ” germs ” irregardless of how many there are.
Example : Rats like garbage ( poor ” terrain ” ) and will happily multiply when they find a pile to feed on. Remove the garbage ( strengthen your immune system and overall health; i.e.; clean the ” terrain ” ) and the rats will leave since they now have no food. Hence under Terrain Theory you will be impervious/immune to any and all ” bugs ” ( including COVID-19 and any of its future mutated strains ) because of your properly functioning immune system.
Public health officials hence have a moral and ethical obligation to train the citizens to maximize the functioning of their immune system according to Terrain Theory. The alternative is that the current hysteria/panic will NEVER end due to the induced and permanently continued Germ Theory panic/hysteria of the populace regarding COVID-19; i.e.; a COVID bug will FOREVER be waiting around the next corner to ” get you.” A continually weakened populace, based on their belief in Germ Theory; can be forever successfully attacked by any and all of a gazillion ” bugs,” including COVID-19, 20, 21, etc.; as compared to successfully defeating any and all of a gazillion ” bugs;” including COVID-19, 20, 21, etc.; by the application of Terrain Theory.
Bottom Line : A COVID-19 vaccine? may ( as a very slight possibility ), or may ( and very probably ) NOT, temporarily assist your immune system in defeating the pathogen. We declare that any such possible positive effect is extremely miniscule relative to an overwhelming number of negative outcomes, especially long term, which untested and never before attempted vaccines? present ( inclusive of countless claimed-to-be-needed ” booster ” shots ). Building the strength of their own immune system, completely separate from ANY vaccine? and via many well known but currently censored/ignored methods, is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. primary defense of the citizen against COVID-19 or any other ” bug.”
The Constitution Party of California – the only political party in California which is supporting A) RATIONAL, and permanent, solutions to the faked COVID-19 ” scamdemic;” and B) opposing the fear, hysteria, and panic which VPP ( see below ) are promoting and using to Socially Engineer the populace to accept permanent economic, personal, and national slavery.
Recommended resources –
VaccineU.com, Whale.to, Dr. Andrew Moulden – drandrewmoulden.com
Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – drtenpenny.com
Youtube : Eustace Mullins – Murder by Injection
Dr. Suzanne Humphries on vaccines COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come;
Red-Pilled James Perloff,
Refuge Books Burlington, Massachusetts
Plague of Corruption
Dr. Judy Mikovits
Dr. Igor Shepherd Unz.com : 3/10/21 Mike Whitney Operation Vaxx-All Deplorables Childrenshealthdefense.org
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
Dr. Mark Trozzi
Dr. Michael Leua Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche TheVaccineReaction.org America’s Frontline Doctors – White Paper on Experimental Vaccines for COVID-19Doctors for COVID EthicsDr. Vernon Coleman – vernoncoleman.com COVID-19 vaccines are weapons of mass destruction – and could wipe out the human race
COVID Medical Network ConcernedLawyersNetwork.net WorldDoctorsAlliance.Planet Lockdown – Catherine Austin FittsToby Rogers, Ph. D.Dr. Harvey Risch, Yale
Recommended Action(s) –
Do not live in fear.
There is no difference at this moment as compared to 1 minute, 1 month, 1 year, or 10 years before COVID-19 appeared – you are STILL ( and have always been – and always will be ) surrounded by ” germs ” beyond count. Trillions and trillions of them. Every day at every moment and at every location. You CANNOT escape them. Ever.
Did you worry in the past? Did you wear a mask in the past? Did you ” socially distance ” in the past?
Answer – no. Question – why not? Answer – Because you inherently knew ( you had at least a bit of ” common sense ” ) that you were surrounded by ” bugs ” but would be at least minimally protected by your immune system. So you ” lived life.” You did not panic. You did not live in fear.
What is the difference now/today??
The Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP ( all discussed below ); the people who A) control your life even if you don’t know it ( and – especially – don’t want to know ), and B) view humanity as no different from cockroaches; have decided to implement their plan/design for the future. They have released an engineered/manufactured bioweapon to produce a mass societal hysteria/panic as a template for their reconstruction/remolding of the world; especially America. They can induce their panic into the public because they control the Main Stream Media ( MSM ); i.e.; they tell you what and even, and especially, how to think. This is known as ” Social Engineering ” and it is done because ” They ” consider you/the public to be ” lab rats ” who can be easily controlled and motivated by whatever ” cheese ” you are given; i.e.; your Masters/Controllers tell you – their slave – what to do and you do it.
As will be discussed below, their plan, which includes the complete destruction/elimination of our Constitutional Republic, is driven/motivated by their religious belief; specifically their complete hatred of and opposition to any manifestation of Christianity.
The practical result of the implementation of their plan results in –
The accelerating collapse/poverty of the middle class;
The complete breakdown of the immigration system
Rising prices throughout the economy but especially those of energy/gas
The permanent loss of 10’s of thousands of jobs ( especially in the energy sector )
The complete loss of voting integrity ( see below )
The massive increase in homelessness
The intended permanent imposition of ” health ” protocols to Socially Engineer/train the populace to be obedient/compliant/docile; i.e.; actions having absolutely nothing to do with protecting and/or improving their health
A mass poisoning of the populace via experimental genetic modification injections which are touted as ” vaccines;” i.e.; better than your own immune system, and permanently required to fight both the ” bug ” and all of its many, and endless, future modifications/mutations.
These actions and their results are INTENDED. They are NOT accidental.
As discussed below, these actions, in coordination with the other issues addressed by this Contract, are designed to produce a ” New Normal ” ( see below ); i.e. ; the end of the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America.
The very first step in this attack is to make you, ” Joe and/or Jane Sixpack;” i.e.; average citizens; emotional; i.e.; to induce fear and/or panic in you.
” They ” know that once you are emotional you are now controllable; i.e.; you will obey their instructions., even when they harm/hurt yourself and/or make no logical/common sense. Hence: we urge you – Don’t panic. Don’t be afraid. Don’t live ( really just ” exist ” ) in fear. That is what ” They ” want. Don’t let ” them ” control your life and steal your joy of living. That is the first step of defeating ” them.”
More battle/fighting information is in/at 25) below.
Additionally –
We very highly recommend that you do NOT get a ” vaccination? ” for COVID-19. Study the information noted above. Question. You don’t want to develop an auto-immune disease from being a guinea pig.
In conjunction with information found in 4) below, build your immune system naturally. You will build your greatest health, save untold amounts of money, avoid an extremely high probability of auto-immune disease occurrence, and both avoid and recover from the pain and debilitation which poor health can bring to you.
” Vaccines? ” can’t stop COVID-19, 20, etc. Natural Healing ( see 4) below ) can.
Additionally –
We recommend that you do NOT wear a mask because……
As partially described above, masks at best do next to nothing in actually protecting your health. A much more common health problem is poor/shallow breathing which produces an oxygen deficiency which compromises/lowers/your immune system; i.e.; exactly what a mask does/produces.
Their REAL purpose is A) to train the populace like lab rats/Pavlov’s dogs to be obedient and docile to the orders of their Masters; and B) to provide a pretense that public health officers have the slightest clue of a clue ( which they do not ) in challenging/stopping the virus; i.e.; the many methods discussed within our above commentary would long ago has solved the problem – IF ” they ” REALLY wanted to solve it.
Bottom Line – the real purpose of masks is to Socially Engineer the populace. When you are properly trained; i.e.; obedient enough; you will not lift a finger or make a peep to stop the destruction of The Republic and the permanent slavery of yourself and everyone else.
Special Note –
As noted above, COVID-19 is a ” gain-of-function ” bioweapon; i.e.; laboratory designed/manufactured and released/” seeded ” to accomplish exactly what has occurred so far.
And far more. As it/this is just the beginning.
The fairy tale of its occurrence resulting from bat-to-human transfer via a food market is simply part of the elaborate smokescreen put forth to cover/disguise both its origin(s) and ( especially ) its purpose.
That purpose is elaborated upon below throughout this essay/discourse but the Bottom Line is that the world has now openly ( at least as compared to before ) entered the period of Biological Warfare; i.e.; laboratory created/manufactured bioweapons released upon/against citizens to obtain/achieve war/battlefield/geopolitical objectives inclusive of population reduction, control, pacification, and endless other goals/aims achieveable with this form of warfare.
The conventional TV/movies/literary approach would be that an occurrence such as here presented would be a ” state-on-state ” attack; i.e.; China and/or Russia attacking the USA as simply one example.
We propose that in ” reality;” i.e.; the way the world REALLY, and currently, works; there are ” supra-national ” ( above, separate from, and stronger than nations – Controllers of the ” Deep State ” ) force(s) which have the motivation, desire, and ability ( motive, means, and opportunity ) to attempt to warp/bend/shape cultures, societies, and nations to their will; in this case to engineer the 1st in an intended long line of bioweapons in a program designed to ultimately permanently enslave humanity.
They will not hesitate to do so – irregardless of and no matter how many may die in the process. This springs from their religious beliefs inclusive of – A) humanity ( except for themselves ) is no different from cockroaches; and B) ” you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette ” ( see below ).
Recommended Action –
Enjoy life.
We are now immersed in what is called ” the long-game;” i.e.; a War to break/enslave all of humanity. This includes ” Psychological Warfare, ” also known as ” PsyOps;” a vital and essential element of the entire COVID-19 attack.
A key/critical part of the ultimate Plan for victory by the Enemies of Humanity is to Socially Engineer/psychologically break/destroy their targets by inducing/injecting them with fear, despair, and hopelessness.
Don’t let that happen to you.. Don’t let them steal your joy and happiness. Their intention/desire/goal is to control/destroy your mind and, especially, soul. Enjoy the beauty of our God created world and of life itself. We will further describe/outline your ” antidote ” as we progress through this discourse/commentary.
Extra Note – We call for a national ban on injecting a mRNA ” vaccine;” which is in fact NOT by legal definition a vaccine but instead a genetic modification program.
The mRNA injection has never been subjected to any form of standard clinical trials and the interaction of the injected substance with the human immune opens the possibility of catastrophic adverse reactions, both short and especially long term, for the recipients.
To properly allow mRNA injections a full and conclusive clinical trial must be completed before mRNA injections are performed. This will be in complete contrast to the totally improper procedures which prevailed to this moment.
2) Economic Recovery and Renaissance –
The current Socially Engineered induced and promoted fear, hysteria, and panic regarding COVID-19 has been used to economically shatter the state to an even worse condition than it was pre-pandemic. At the moment of this writing there are intimations that the state ” lockdown ” will possibly end in the weeks ahead but as noted above we project that occurrence of the virus will, actually and/or via S. E. falsified claims, sweep through our society for literally years in continuing ” waves ” which will produce the same ” bull-in-a-chinashop ” catastrophic and less than useless response which has occurred so far – the pretended attempt to control the spread of the virus by shutting down social interaction among ALL citizens both healthy and at-risk rather than simply protect the latter group as with standard public health measures.
Hence without a dramatic ” Damascus Road ” vaccination of simple and plain common sense into the public health bureaucrats the current catastrophic economic devastation of the state, where the patient dies from the supposed cure by the voodoo practicing ” doctor,” will continue to its logical and unavoidable full horrific conclusion. And the greater problem is that this is the good news.
The bad news is that our current ” going over the cliff ” economic situation is both A) planned, and B) only the very beginning of the long term collapse of the economy and ever increasing impoverishment of the citizens.
As evidence for these claims we cite the simple realization that due to the now well known relative non-lethality of COVID-19; i.e.; little more lethal than the common flu; immediate measures could, and should, be taken to follow the truly effective program outlined above : protection of at-risk population sub-groups and an immediate return to full economic activity. This; due to the current actions and plans of Governor/Comrade Newsom, the controllers of the WEF, and their VPP friends ( see below for both ) in addition to their iron control of the utterly corrupt MSM; will not happen.
Why? Because while Gov. Newsom personally knows that COVID-19 is at best/worst as consequential as the common flu ( for evidence of this simply refer to his actions at the ” French Laundry ” ) he is the obedient servant of his Controllers/Plantation Masters of the nation who have decided to ” Reset ” our Constitutional Republic into a subset of their planned World Government.
We restate in multiple ways this extremely important point which our readers will have most probably been Socially Engineered to disbelieve : Governor Newsom, as with virtually all political leaders ( Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Harris, Obama, etc. ), is NOT at the ” top of the political food chain.” He, as they also, was created by Very Powerful People ( VPP ) to advance THEIR interests. He was advanced by Very Powerful People – to advance THEIR interests. He is maintained by Very Powerful People – to advance THEIR interests. He is controlled by Very Powerful People – to advance THEIR interests. He is told what to do by Very Powerful People – to advance THEIR interests. He obeys Very Powerful People – to advance THEIR interests. He 1,000%+ believes in, agrees with, promotes, and supports the interests of Very Powerful People – People who totally despise the Constitutional Republic of the united States and everything which it stands for.
For a possible understanding of these realities the citizen must bypass the iron control of the MSM from which such knowledge is continually sterilized/eliminated, become aware of their own Socially Engineered beliefs/training, and independently investigate other sources.
Relevant to our current topic we reference the World Economic Forum ( WEF ), a gathering of the ultra-rich of the world and their lackeys/representatives, which has declared via multiple forums ( books, conferences, etc. ) that the occurrence of the COVID-19 claimed pandemic allows for implementation of ” The Great Reset;” i.e.; a complete restructuring of society as we know it FROM WHICH THERE WILL BE NO RETURN ( their emphasis ). See the 11/02/20 Time magazine cover and story for a beginning confirmation of the reality of our claims.
We add the following claims/clarifications to this topic: our Constitutional Republic ( we are NOT a ” democracy ” ) has long been subverted and overturned/controlled/ruled by those individuals/stockholders and corporations which control the ” money ” supply of our nation; i.e.; the PRIVATE banking Cartel known as the Federal Reserve System ( FED ) which we reference as ” the American Mafia.” Being as ” Federal ” as the similarly named company known as ” Federal Express ” the FED Cartel, via its ability to print/create money AT ( requiring ) INTEREST at will, essentially owns virtually the entire country, including you the reader, and can dictate whatever policy its Plantation Master Controllers want. Hence working in coordination with their assets/friends ( such as the FED ) in their targeted countries the WEF; i.e.; economic Elites of the world; have decided to ” pull the trigger/plug ” and implement ” Agenda 21 ” – the United Nations ( UN ) plan for humanity by the end of the 21st century. That plan only accepts non-elites ( like you ) if you are willing to accept permanent poverty and economic and personal slavery; i.e.; you will own NOTHING and be ” happy ” ( on the(ir) World Plantation ) according to their own claims. It also eliminates the Constitutional Republic of the united States, including the Constitutional Rights of the citizens ( such as the 1st and 2nd Amendments ), by making it into a subset of a ” New World Order ” government; i.e. the ” Reset ” united States would have the same relationship to the World Government as a state such as California now has to the united States as a whole.
To properly Socially Engineer our citizens so that they will passively accept this planned slavery The Elites have diligently worked to sterilize from our culture Christian based ideas such as industrial and technological progress lifting up all of humanity – ” a rising tide lifts all boats ” – and even the value of the singular human life which in distant times was considered to be a blessing from God. In its place a massive multi-billion dollar and multi-year program of Social Engineering has worked to train our citizens to live in fear of fairy tales such as having an excess ” carbon footprint;” i.e.; ” The Sky Is Falling!!! ” due to ” Global Warming “/” Climate Change “/Catastrophe/Crisis;” to be fearful of industrial and technological progress; and even to distain, ridicule, and have contempt for the singular and inherent value of human life.
You/we are being trained, via ” The Great Reset ” and countless other programs, by The Elites/Plantation Masters via S.E. to deny progress; endorse poverty, including our own and inclusive of all generations to come; and surrender our God-given freedoms/rights.
This is why Governors Newsom, Cuomo, and numerous others can, behind the ” cover story ” of saving society from the ” boogyman ” of Covid-19, destroy – permanently – the middle class of the nation without a second thought. They are not motivated or controlled by their ” subjects ” ( previously known as ” voters ” ) but instead by their Elite ” less than 1% ” Plantation Masters who tell them precisely what they shall do. They are then rewarded for their obedience to the orders of their Masters; i.e.; they are fulfilling their assigned duties regarding ” the bigger picture.” You/we, as obedient serfs/slaves/peons/” little people,” will be expected to dutifully follow our S.E. orders.
Sound fantastic? My friends, the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America is being ” fundamentally transformed ” ( sound familiar? ) right before our eyes. The ” middle class ” is being shattered as our society is purposefully being economically shut down as part of a long term plan by The Elites who have decided to use the cover story of a ” pandemic ” to introduce their ” New ( and permanent ) Normal ” ( their term ) of economic slavery for the mass of humanity; i.e.; George Orwell’s ” 1984 ” brought to reality/fulfillment.
California, with multiple companies fleeing the state in an attempt to escape the expanding insanity/devastation, is on the frontline of the economic and social changes which are designed and expected to shatter and replace our Constitutional Republic by producing a docile, defeated, broken, impoverished, stupid, and groveling populace which will obediently obey their Plantation Masters/Controllers in return for crumbs which fall from their table.
The Constitution Party of California, as the last and ONLY political party in our state which will oppose the economic collapse being created and promoted by The Elites/Plantation Masters, thus in recognition of this attack and of the need for both an economic recovery and an economic renaissance, hence demands the following actions :
A) An immediate end to all limitations of economic activity regarding the current COVID-19 ” scamdemic.”
B) The immediate beginning of a “” California Health Renaissance ” program, coordinated by the State Department of Health, to introduce citizens to the many and proven natural, not pharmaceutical/drugs, methods to build and enhance both their immune systems and overall health. Reliance on pharmaceuticals/drugs/vaccines will lead to an ever decreasing health status of citizens ( lack of health is NOT due to a lack of drugs ) inclusive of long term debilitating side effects for which they will be denied compensation due to the political power of our pharmaceutical company Masters. Only a long term program of the promotion of natural health methods will produce a citizenry which can experience abundant health in addition to economic prosperity and political freedom.
C) An immediate halt to all programs which promote state economic support in any way to illegal immigrants. Separate from illegal immigration being cultivated and used by the Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP as a hammer to attack, shatter, and destroy The Republic illegal immigration produces both a vector of infectious disease entry into society ( tuberculosis, typhus, and many other negative conditions inclusive of COVID-19 ) and a reduction of labor compensation due to competition; especially for lower wage/skilled jobs in the marketplace. Such actions adversely and greatly harm citizens of currently lower economic status to an extreme degree; both economically and in their health status. We present that it is the duty of governmental authorities to prevent the economic exploitation of economically distressed citizens such as occurs by the promotion of illegal immigration. All state economic assistance must be targeted to legal residents of California and those who have followed proper legal pathways regarding their immigration status. Promotion of illegal immigration by political figures and/or parties is a direct attack against the economic status of both present and future low income citizens. It is promoting a ” race-to-the-bottom ” of wages behind a sick, and totally fake, pretense of ” caring ” for working persons. Attempts to coverup this result by promoting a ” minimum wage ” produces ( intended ) massive job losses due to the inability of businesses to absorb and sustain such cost increases. Businesses subsequently fuel the expansion of job loss alternatives of automation and machines in their attempts to remain solvent or are simply overwhelmed and close.
D) We additionally make the following proclamation : No economic recovery, much less a renaissance, will be possible in California as long as the Democrat Party is the politically prominent party within the state; i.e.; the policies and principles of the Democrat Party will produce a continuing, accelerating, and permanent poverty for the citizens of California as a natural expression of their inherent corruption.
The father of this author was a staunch ” union man ” who was totally dedicated to the Democrat Party; this at a time when the pretense of the party being ” for the working man ” perhaps had a small ring of truth still attached to the phrase.
Fast forward a few decades and any such possible pretense has long, and ever increasingly, been shattered by the reality of the priorities of the party. Among the avalanche of reasons why the Democrat Party no longer favors; and in fact opposes, suppresses, and actively hurts/attacks; ” the working man ” –
1) the ” American Mafia “ FED private banking Cartel ( discussed above and below ) by its policies continually lowers/devalues/waters down the purchasing power of the dollar; i.e.; it continually steals from the working person ( you pay more for less; 10 cent coffee becomes $1, etc. ) with the theft/benefits going to the Cartel stockholders.; i.e.; the less than 1% Elites.
Question : Is there even one peep from the Democrat Party regarding this theft, much less stopping it ( such as with – discussed below – interest-free united States Notes issued by the u.S. Treasury compared to interest-requiring ” debt-money ” Federal Reserve Notes as now issued by The Cartel )?
Answer : Absolutely not because the Democrat Party, as with the Republican Party ” Establishment,” is totally owned by, and totally obeys the orders of, the Plantation Masters; i.e.; The less than 1% Elites. Hence it does not, and will not, lift a finger to protect the citizen(s)/working people from being hammered by this silent but ever continuing theft/impoverishment. You, your grandparents, your parents, your children, your grandchildren and all future generations will be deliberately and ever more greatly impoverished by this process – unless it is stopped. Homelessness and so-called ” income inequality,” as manifestations of an ever more debauched currency, will continually increase – until, and unless, the ” American Mafia ” is stopped.
2) the complete fraud of ” Climate Change ” ( discussed below ); an economy shattering, poverty producing, and anti-working man total lie; is being promoted by the Democrat Party – irregardless of, and with full knowledge of, its intended ultimate mass poverty producing results. 70,000+ jobs have already, and purposefully, been destroyed in just the 1st week of the reign of Emperor Biden resulting from this lie/excuse.
This massive multi-billion dollar Social Engineering fraud/lie/hoax/scam is a movie equivalent production by The Elites which is dedicated to the ultimate and permanent impoverishment and enslavement of humanity inclusive of all American citizens. It is supported, endorsed, and promoted by a Democrat Party which is totally betraying the ” working man ” in service to its Elite Controllers/Masters. Again – notice that with less than a week in office Fake President Biden has already decimated and permanently eliminated thousands of high paying skilled union jobs based on the excuse of The-Sky-Is-Falling!!! ” Global Warming “/” Climate Change ” lie. And ” They;” i.e.; The Elites/Plantation Masters/VPP; are barely getting started in their War, and intended ” Final Attack,” upon The Republic.
3) Stop the American Mafia – the true key to financial recovery, prosperity, and the restoring the Republic.
From the beginnings of our nation great debates were held regarding the vital question of money including : who will control its issuance – government or private institutions; i.e.; banks?
Fast forwarding through history and as documented in ” The Creature from Jekyll Island ” by G. Edward Griffin ( we recommend that you read it ), private banking institutions, courtesy of President Wilson in 1913, seized control of our currency from the government and reign unchallenged to this day.
The power gained by currency control was epitomized by Rothschild in 1815 who stated – ” I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sin never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply.”
And so it is to this moment with our own currency.
Sterilizing all knowledge of these monetary conflicts from public memory the victorious banking Rothschild equivalents/Elites are now known in our nation as the ” Federal Reserve System ” ( FED ). It is a PRIVATE ( not public ) banking Cartel and their rulership of our nation via ” Plan B ” ( described below ) is the foundation for our economic slavery, instability, and coming catastrophic collapse.
Momentarily bypassing our actual Constitutional money requirement we describe 2 competing systems to clarify our current dilemma :
A contrasting ” Plan A ” regarding our currency would be a 2 part system consisting of the people and government ( via the u.S..Treasury ) which issues INTEREST-FREE currency to facilitate commerce among the citizens. For this moment we will refer to such currency as ” united States Notes ” ( uSN ).
” Plan B ” ( our current situation ) is a 3 part system system consisting of the people, the government, and ” The Mob;” i.e.; the FED/American Mafia. With the government having given their sovereign authority to issue currency to The Mob ( via the FED instead of the Treasury ), the American Mafia ( private Cartel ) now issues/” loans ” debt money ( interest bearing/requiring Federal Reserve Notes – FRN ) to the citizens for their commerce.
The result is that ( with Plan B ) the citizens/nation are PERMANENTLY in ever-increasing debt to, and under the control of, the private banking Cartel. When you pay your ( unconstitutional ) income tax you are paying the interest on the ” loan ” from ” The Mob;” i.e.; the ” Don Corleone ” of America. The cumulative loan from The Mob/Mafia is known as the ” National Debt.”
As Henry Ford questioned – ” Why should we ” borrow ” a dollar ( and pay interest for it ) when we can make it ourselves?”
He additionally stated – ” It is well enough that people of this nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
Thomas Edison – ” If the Nation can issue a dollar bond it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%. Whereas the currency, the honest sort provided by the Constitution pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way. It is absurd to say our Country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People.”
Bottom Line – where Plan B results in ever more debt to The Cartel, an ever more debauched/inflated ( watering down the milk ) currency ( swindling of/stealing from the citizens ), and control of the nation by outside forces ( Cartel stockholders ) Plan A ( for ” America ” ) leads to the control of our currency, future, and nation by our people/citizens/country via cutting out the ” middle-man/Mob.”
The result of over 100 years of American Mafia/Mob control is a political system where the Plantation Masters/FED Controllers have overturned/replaced our Constitutional Republic with a ” Banana ” Republic ( see below ).
No longer content with simply owning the entire country ( including you ) via their perpetual and ever increasing debt they now seek to permanently control EVERYTHING; inclusive of culture, society, and ( especially ) your mind.
Their ability to continuously/endlessly print/produce ” money ” allows them to write a blank check for all of the noted pathologies which we will address in our Contract; i.e.; they use the sovereign authority of issuing currency which they have stolen to attack and destroy the nation which they have stolen it from.
The end result/bottom line is that we are slaves ruled by Elites just as Rothschild ruled England. ” Land of the free ” is reduced to a quaint joke which our Plantation Masters can have a good laugh over.
Shall we ever again have REAL freedom? Shall we ever again have a stable/honest currency which is not designed to steal our wealth ( impoverish you ) – and give it to our Rulers/Masters for their enrichment – via inflation? Will we ever stop the REAL ” less than 1%;” i.e.; the forces which control both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party ” Establishment?”
Yes – if we can defeat the monetary/financial ” Trilobite ” ( see below ) which conquered our nation in 1913 and established the ” American Mafia/FED ” ( ” deacon ” – see below ) as our rulers.
We present that a return to ” Constitutional money ” ( gold and silver coin ) is no longer a possible singular monetary solution due to both the physical inadequacy of providing adequate tangible coins for commerce and control of such resources by speculative forces capable of ” crashing ” the currency; i.e.; stealing its value and impoverishing the citizens.
Rather we present a comprehensive solution ( among many ) found in ” Web of Debt ” ( see below ) – support of ( from page 454 ) ‘ a bill to update the ” Constitutional provision that ” Congress shall have the power to coin money ” so that it reads ” Congress shall have the power to create the national currency in all its forms, including not only coins and paper dollars but the nation’s credit issued as commercial loans.”‘
We propose the nationalization of the private FED followed by the issuance of of interest-free united States Notes by the Treasury which would replace Federal Reserve Notes and begin the process of freeing our citizens/nation from the stranglehold of, and enslavement to, The Cartel/Mob.
We desire an ultimate return to ” honest money,” the attainment of which ( and even the journey to ) will lead to a fantastic and enduring prosperity for our, now free and no longer slaves, citizens.
The Constitution Party of California – the ONLY Party challenging the REAL reasons for the ever worsening financial impoverishment of our citizens.
Recommended Resources –
Ellen Brown – Web of Debt, Sheldon Emry – Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the PeopleG. Edward Griffin – The Creature from Jekyll Island
Recommended Action –
A) Study noted resources.B) Organize politically to implement Action Program noted on pages 454 to 457 of Web of Debt, inclusive of :1) audit of FED, 2) repeal of 16th Amendment, 3) nationalization of FED
4) Health Care – We need a Revolution
Revolution – noun : a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system.
The reader is invited to investigate for exact numbers but the Bottom Line for health care in our Republic is that it is the most expensive in the world and produces extremely poor results.
We present that a ” revolution ” in health care; i.e.; a ” new system;” will involve both revolutionary and simpler but extremely comprehensive changes in 2 primary areas – financial and personal.
The financial revolution is needed because health care, like the rest of our society, is afflicted by the ever depreciating dollar caused by the corruption of the Federal Reserve System ( FED ), the private banking Cartel which we reference as the American Mafia ( see above ).
Their continual ” watering down of the milk,” i.e.; depreciating/inflating the currency ( 98% of the value of the dollar has been stolen/taken/lost since the start of the FED ) leads to continual price rises throughout the economy in all areas.
Bottom Line : Unless and until the American Mafia is stopped and replaced with a truly stable currency this part of health care costs ( ever rising prices and ever less purchasing ability per dollar ) will continue and accelerate.
You/the citizen can work to Stop the American Mafia and institute a stable currency but in a more immediate and personal way you can both directly improve your health and lower your health care costs by ” dropping out of the system;” i.e.; leaving allopathic medicine.
Allopathic : noun – the treatment of disease by conventional means; i.e.; with drugs having opposite effects to the symptoms.
The author is a Doctor of Chiropractic, the profession of which is founded on fundamental philosophies inclusive that the body heals itself when fundamental obstacles, if present, are removed. Such obstacles include physical ( misalignment and/or weakness of physical structures ), chemical ( inadequate amounts of nutrients and/or excessive chemical/metabolic waste retention ), or emotional ( emotional dysfunction and dysharmony ) elements. An umbrella term regarding health practices to address any or all of these dysfunctions is ” Natural Healing.”
We present that both the preservation and restoration of health will be found primarily in the abandonment of pharmaceuticals/drugs and investigation of Natural Healing methods which work in harmony with the natural functioning and physiology of the body.
Lack of health is not from lack of drugs.
We propose that our current national health crisis springs from multiple factors which arise from philosophical beliefs inclusive of giving up personal responsibility for health to outside sources like physicians/doctors.
The result? Citizens kill themselves via lack of exercise, overeating ( death by food ), or other detrimental health practices which are under their control but where responsibility is given to doctors to attempt to override, via drugs, the private decisions of the citizen.
Bottom Line – while allopathic medicine may possibly minimally assist adverse health conditions we present that individual responsibility in conjunction with the abundance of alternative health programs found in Natural Healing can, and will, produce a ” revolution ” in health maintenance and restoration when introduced more comprehensively and intensively to our society. A natural result of this trend will be both dramatically decreased costs and dramatically improved clinical outcomes/overall health.
We hence present that the solution to our national health care crisis is not to be found by shoveling an endless and forever increasing mountain of money at the problem but rather in instituting a completely different perspective of addressing the problem.
We present that such different approach to health care will present dramatic improvement(s) in the health of the singular citizen while secondarily leading to dramatic monetary savings.
The Constitution Party of California, the ONLY Party promoting a truly comprehensive health care solution.
Recommended action – While there are truly multiple ” Mt. Everests ” of information regarding Natural Healing and drug-free health attainment we recommend you begin with 2 sources –
A) CancerControlSociety.org
B) SchoolOfNaturalHealing.com
Simply implementing the programs found at these locations will produce abundant health improvements for the singular person and our nation as a whole. Additionally information from these locations will open up the vast universe of Natural Healing to discovery by the exploring citizen.
5) ” Climate Change ” : The sky is NOT falling.
A staggeringly massive multi-decade and billion dollar+ program of Social Engineering has been implemented to terrify citizens with the fantasy/fairy tale that mankind and/or the planet will be destroyed by excess heat produced by human activities. This ludicrous, laughable, and total nonsense claim is an easily disprovable complete lie.
Literal days could be spent producing the multiple Mt. Everests of facts which disprove the lie of so-called ” global warming ” ( only one of the virtually countless advertising/marketing/public relations terms used to S.E. the populace to PANIC!! and believe in a Religion – NOT true science – of ” DOOM!!” ). We instead refer the reader to the websites ClimateDepot.com and ClimateDiscussionNexus.com. for sanity regarding this subject. More sanity and reality can be found in 2 books by Marc Morano – ” Green Fraud ” and ” The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change ” – and 2 books by Brian Sussman – ” Ecotyranny ” and ” Climategate ” – among many other authoritative resources which singularly and collectively completely expose and destroy the fairy tale/scam/hoax/lie.
Bottom Line(s) –
The ” science ” regarding the ” Climate Catastrophe!!!” Religion of DOOM!! ( RoD!! ) is not ” settled.” In fact virtually countless TRUE scientists can challenge and expose/shatter the hysteria of the RoD!! but RoD!! priests, employed by their/our Plantation Master Elites, continually refuse any debate due to their knowledge that in any such forum they would be annihilated by TRUE science and exposed as ludicrous frauds/liars; i.e.; the Climate Change ” House of Cards ” would completely collapse. If the RoD!! science was truly ” settled ” its priests could, and would, have long ago participated in any and all debate challenges with the knowledge that their ” science ” would easily defeat, and permanently stop, their ” denier ” opponents. Instead the exact opposite has occurred.
Additionally beachfront property at Martha”s Vineyard is purchased by ultra corrupt politicians who tell RoD!! believing chumps that rising seas will catastrophically devastate coastal cities in a decade at most. The only problem for RoD!! priests is that despite their now decades long Chicken Little proclamations the seas are NOT rising ( unless you accept literal millimeters over a decade or more as ” rising” ).
There are more polar bears than ever.
Multiple fraudulent expeditions to the North Pole to document claimed collapsed/melted ice fields routinely require rescue by icebreakers.
Current headlines – ” Huge part of River Thames freezes 1st time in 60 years in sub-zero cold snap.” ” Behind the crazy weather pattern bringing ice, snow, and extreme cold in Lower 48.” ” Extreme cold grips Central U.S, surges south to Gulf of Mexico.”
Actual Drudge headline : HISTORIC FREEZE TEX!!!! SNOW SAN ANTONIO. POWER GRID STRUGGLES. MILLIONS IN DARK. Followed by : Bill Gates Has Master Plan for Battling ‘ Climate Change ‘…
Hence yet another of repeated like clockwork Social Engineering MSM Plantation Master responses to these and countless similar headlines – extreme cold is caused by ” global warming/climate change.” An answer produced by the same 1984 ” Ministry of Truth ” which has literally published articles and produced movies proclaiming the forever soon arriving ” End of Snow.”
Bottom Line – ” They ” ( your Plantation Master rulers and their lackeys/stooges/hacks ) think you are stupid. And they will ALWAYS believe that.
As in ” 1984 ” their job/belief is to teach/train the populace/suckers to trust/worship ” Big Brother,” here manifesting as DOOM!! which you can personally stop by limiting your ” carbon footprint;” i.e.; embracing poverty; while ignoring volcanoes which expose ( when just 1 erupts ) the utter stupidity of that Social Engineering claim by producing countless and endless tons of ” greenhouse gases ” and completely obliterating the biggest of any ” footprint ” reduction.
Yet far worse than the S.E. routine crazed day-after-day-after-day panic hysteria of the Religion of DOOM!! which blames GLOBAL WARMING!! for everything from death to dandruff is both the beginning of the planned phasing out of the internal combustion engine and massive economy shattering and poverty producing carbon taxes soon to be implemented by a Democrat Party administration.
Bottom Line – the entire world economy and all technological, industrial, and economic progress has resulted from the usage of so-called ” fossil fuels;” i.e.; coal, oil, and gas. The fantastic progress of humanity in bringing wealth, health, and prosperity to literally billions of people to an unprecedented degree in comparison to the majority of history has resulted directly from the use of carbon fuels. These truly ” clean ” fuels are fantastically beneficial by multiple orders of magnitude ( hundreds and thousands of times ) over the industrial, energy, and agricultural sources which they replaced – horses, flies, and feces.
The claim that solar and wind energy ( so-called ” clean energy ” which is actually nothing of the sort; i.e.; the claim is easily provably fraudulent ) can even adequately, much less fully, replace oil, coal, and gas is completely ludicrous. The electrical grid of the nation fails even now with limited numbers of electric cars and has no capability/possibility ( especially with so-called ” renewables ” ), as known by Toyota, of powering larger numbers of such vehicles as in the total nitwit ” save-the-earth ” fantasy/lie put forth by so-called environmentalists.
Yet the real reason that such claims are made is due to catastrophic plans for the complete dismantling, destruction, and elimination of our nation as follows –
In the youth of this author there were plans inclusive of “Atoms for Peace ” ( which were based upon Christianity and its belief in the equal value of each singular life ) to spread the scientific and technological advancements of our nation to all of humanity; i.e.; ” all boats would rise ” due to the spread of prosperity to all nations and people. In this Christian based perspective of cultural optimism not only would all people of all races advance but people in and of themselves were considered valuable; i.e.; the birth of a child was considered joyful and a wonderful blessing from God.
Fast forward only a few decades to our time and the Social Engineering of our populace to accept ” Cultural Marxism;” i.e.; anti-Christianity/pro-Satanism/Humanism;” has resulted in a cultural ” Death Religion ” promotion and acceptance which declares that human life has no inherent God given value but only value of even the slightest degree if we choose to give it; i.e.; ” thumbs up ” or ” thumbs down. ” as in the Roman Colosseum.
The Social Engineering result is a population where masculinity and femininity are endlessly and evermore attacked and diminished as socially and morally retarded, defective, and broken males and females are assembly-line mass manufactured/produced to replace real men and women. See the movie ” Invasion of the Body Snatchers ” to begin to understand the process of converting human beings into passive and obedient drones who will obey their programming without question; i.e.; ” Pod People ” who have lost their humanity.
Social Engineering attacks the normal, natural, and healthy nuclear family of man, woman, and children with the result that traditional marriage is destroyed, children ( if they are lucky enough to be born instead of being ” Cuisinarted ” via abortion ) are shattered by the loss of their fathers, and society increasingly breaks apart due to the replacement of the Religion of Life, Christianity, by the Religion of Death, Satanism.
The attack upon the internal combustion engine, as yet another front in this ” War Against Humanity,” via the Social Engineering of the populace to believe the massive scam of the RoD!! is simply the announced plan of the ultra rich Plantation Masters of our nation; i.e.; the people who REALLY control both It and us; to totally reverse the Christianity produced cultural optimism, prosperity, and abundance referred to earlier with a nation, and ultimately world, Satanic Plantation where your God-given constitutional rights are permanently replaced by the slavery of your children and all future generations to Olympian Elites.
They, through their lackeys/hacks such as Governor Newsom and now Mary Barra of General Motors, are telling you ( their peons/slaves/serfs ) that they are planning, via elimination of the internal combustion engine, to impoverish and enslave your posterity for all generations to come – IF you are stupid enough to believe the poison lie of the RoD!! which provides the pretext to destroy our nation. The Elites/Plantation Masters are counting on you being docile sheep who will sell out your own children and all of humanity as you happily slap on your own chains and sing in the fields of The(ir) Plantation via your S.E. belief in the massive lies of the RoD!!
The Constitution Party of California, as the ONLY Party which will oppose the ” The Sky Is Falling!!!” insanity of the complete fraud/lie/scam/hoax of ” Climate Change ” hence demands the following actions –
A) Full debates regarding all claims by the ” Climate Change ” Religion of Doom!! be conducted at multiple forums throughout the state so that RoD!! priests and believers can no longer hide behind their fake ” scientific ” claims but must present actual and no longer faked evidence of their DOOM!! predictions.
B) Immediate cancellation of all ” Executive Orders ” and/or legislation of any form or manner that promotes the fallacious claims of the RoD!! inclusive of rules regarding limitations on carbon and so-called ” greenhouse gases ” emissions.
C) Cancellation of all public school programs and/or instruction in the promotion of the RoD!! unless equaled by equivalent exposure via time and materials of rational/sane and truly scientific perspectives regarding involved topics.
D) Cancellation of all legal actions/lawsuits by California against any public or private entity in promotion of the ” Climate Change ” hoax/lie/fraud/scam in any manner.
Genesis 2:15 – And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress and keep it.
While true environmentalism involves being stewards and protectors of Gods’ creation this movement has been hijacked/stolen by the opposing religion of Satanism/Humanism and is now a ” Potemkin Village ” ( totally fake ) cover for its revised, and real, anti-humanity objectives of which the hysteria, panic, and total lie of ” Climate Change ” is the Plantation Master weapon of choice at this moment and this in service to their long-term primary goal of depopulation ( see below ).
The Constitution Party of California – the only Party standing in defense of REAL science ( and REAL environmentalism ) and against the anti-humanity planned permanent crushing impoverishment of the citizens.
We declare that any individual or organization, such as the entire Democrat Party, which supports the RoD!! is automatically both anti-science and anti-humanity; i.e.; is directly working for the economic shattering and impoverishment of humanity.
We hence yet again challenge the cowards – Debate!!!
We say that ” The Sky Is NOT Falling ” – and we can prove it!!!
Recommended Action –
Challenge/Oppose any manifestation of the Religion of Doom!!
Work to stop the insanity of banning the internal combustion engine.
6) Say NO!! to the ” Banana Republic.”
As of the moment of this writing the Constitutional Republic of the united States of America is in grave danger of becoming a ” Banana Republic;” : noun – ” a small country that is politically unstable and is dominated by foreign interests.”
This catastrophic change in both the history and surface functioning of our government and country will occur if the Democrat Party candidate of the recent Presidential election, Joseph Biden, is sworn into office.
This is because of the massive and monstrous fraud; i.e.; ” Coup d’etat ” ( noun – a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government ); which occurred where literally millions of votes were both added for Mr. Biden and shifted from President Trump to Biden.
The united States will join the category of ” Banana Republic ” by the unprecedented, massive, and monstrous actions of the ” Deep State ” ( which in truth is a ” foreign interest ” ) in coordination with, and with total compliance from, the MSM in virtually completely covering up and ignoring the Mt. Everests of evidence regarding truly enormous and staggering vote fraud. Promoting the ” hiding in plain sight ” of the corruption; most particularly by totally ignoring the ” Hammer/Scorecard ” programming of voting machines to switch votes, the similar ” Leonardo ” downloading of votes, and the Detroit mobilization of drug dealers via marijuana franchises; as just 3 examples of many; exposes the motives of the treasonous Killers who are attempting to murder our Constitutional Republic – the Plantation Masters/Elites who own the MSM, which is seeking revenge against President Trump for rightfully exposing them as ” Fake News ” and ” Enemies of the Republic ” ( our term ), and run The Deep State, in this case its subdivisions of the CIA and the NSA – the only organizations functionally capable of providing the necessary infrastructure and performing the actual ” hit.” These are the ” hitmen ” for the assassination by vote fraud of The Republic; i.e.; the mess created by killing Kennedy with bullets was replaced by ” killing “/eliminating President Trump via computers.
With the fantasy of journalism ( full and impartial investigation and reporting of stories ) being fully exposed as a cruel and sick joke in our nation ( see here ultra pathetic lackeys/hacks/fakes/cowards/rodents such as Chuck Todd, Chris Wallace, Fredo Cuomo, George Stephanopoulus, and countless others ) the Plantation Masters are closing in on their goal of formalizing the permanence of fake elections; i.e.; ” Votes-R-Us “/Democrat Party fraud of not only this election but, especially, every future election within our nation; with their most outrageous and monstrous scam yet.
If The Elites, via their Deep State/CIA/NSA and MSM hitmen, successfully ” pull off ” this most obvious vote fraud in the history of our nation the possibility of freedom so long ago pursued by the Founding Fathers will be permanently ended as the Socially Engineered populace, with the thumb of the Plantation Masters/VPP permanently tipping the scale, will ” vote ” for policies and traitors which, and who, ” grease the skids ” for the end of our Constitutional Republic and its ” Borg assimilation ” into our previously mentioned ” New World Order “/” New Normal.”
Gone will be all of the freedoms which our country was founded upon inclusive of the 2nd Amendment and our even now rapidly diminishing/disappearing 1st Amendment. Elimination of gun ownership and their eventual full confiscation ( an issue of extreme importance to the Plantation Masters ); in order to accomplish the full, permanent, and final slavery of our nation; will be a long term, difficult, but now finally completely achievable goal to be accomplished by multiple methods : elimination of ammunition, closure ( by both ” legal ” and/or other methods ) of gun manufacturers ( cancel their insurance ), further corruption of the legal system, and the inability to elect any 2nd Amendment supporter to elective office due to the permanent election corruption which is now being installed and will be continuously refined for more efficiency in secretly producing the desired results.
As demonstrated with the shameless cowardice and monstrous decline of the Supreme Court to even hear a case regarding the overwhelming evidence of vote fraud the ultra corrupted courts are now permanently closed to accepting any legal challenge to the death of The Republic. The Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP have permanently seized control of the Judicial branch and will combine its carcass with their successful Legislative and Executive branch kills as trophies on the den walls of their castles. The fantasy of independent judges will be more formally replaced with the cyphers/stooges, like John Roberts, who simply follow orders and happily betray The Republic in return for permanent prestige and crumbs from the tables of their Masters.
Combining these elements with ” Branch Davidian ” military attacks upon recalcitrant resistors ( now supplementable with armies of armed drones ) and the long term dream of The Elites/Plantation Masters to literally, and permanently, disarm America is now within sight. The horrific treasonous groveling of the ultra violent Democrat Party; promoting and endorsing the Cuisinarting/shredding/mutilation/abortion of children ( especially blacks, see below ) while actively working to both protect and promote criminals ( BLM and Antifa) and disarm/leave defenseless citizens; to the achievement of this objective is a key element of the Elite/VPP anticipated and so deeply desired Fall of America.
Hence the Constitution Party of California, as the ONLY political party in the state which will A) openly declare and oppose both our Banana Republic and its/our now fully corrupted voting system(s); and B) completely support our 2nd Amendment without qualification; demands :
A) A complete rejection of any manifestation of ” President Joseph Biden.”
As any claim to the Presidency by Mr. Biden will be founded on massive vote fraud such claims must be continuously and completely repudiated; i.e.; MrBiden will permanently be a ” Fake President ” due to the fake process which ” elected ” him.
Until truly honest vote-fraud free elections are reestablished in our nation we will in fact be a Banana Republic ruled by the dictatorial ” Junta ” ( noun – a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force ) of the Deep State controlled by its Plantation Masters/Elites creators with its figurehead puppet(s) of Biden, Harris, etc. who use their MSM 1984 ” Ministry of Truth ” to pacify the targets/citizens.
Additionally there is massive evidence ( inclusive of his own confession ) that Mr. Biden performed criminal actions during his Vice-Presidential tenure; i.e.; the extortion of the Ukraine government to protect his son from investigation regarding possible criminal activities.
In accordance with these 2 issues ( massive voter fraud and the extortion of a foreign government ) along with other alleged criminal activities ( taking a ” cut of the action ” as ” The Big Guy ” in the foreign business dealings of his son ) we refer citizens to our developing website of ” ArrestBiden.org ” where we encourage a developing national campaign by all citizens to place Mr. Biden under citizens arrest regarding such crimes so that he may be properly investigated and appropriately prosecuted in relation to possible criminal activity –
” Sir/Mr.Biden – I ( your name ) am here to place you under citizens arrest for crimes against the American people and government.”
Not one day should go by without citizens in all states from Alaska to Maine to Florida calling/protesting, 24/7, for the citizens arrest of the Fake President.
Acceptance of the Fake President will require acceptance of, and legitimize, the fake voting system which has ” elected ” him. The Elites/Plantation Masters/ VPP/Deep State which performed this crime will have assassinated the Constitutional Republic of the united States – the greatest governmental development for the freedom and prosperity of all citizens in the history of humanity.
These criminals/monsters must be stopped.
B) Full transparency of all voting system algorithms and computer programs of all voting machines.
C) A complete ban on the ability of any voting machine company an/or governmental voting entity of any size to ” clean,” reprogram, ” scrub,” or change any voting information in any way for at least 1 year after any elective process. Total, and REAL, transparency of ALL vote counts will be a new absolute and non-negotiable requirement.
D) An established legal requirement that each political party be allowed equivalent numbers of vote observers at all times during the vote counting process. No observers will be banned, excluded, or hampered in any way during the vote gathering and/or tabulation processes.
E) A complete ban on any outside internet connection to any voting machine during the electoral process. The possibility of remote hacking of the electoral process must be completely eliminated.
F) A full and complete investigation of the ” Hammer/Scorecard ” attack on the Presidential election process must be performed with full prosecution of all identified participants. Additionally the ” Leonardo ” program and the Detroit mobilization of drug dealers must be 2 of the virtually countless additional frauds which must be exposed.
G) A complete ban on ” ballot harvesting;” a process which allows political party hacks/lackeys to turn in bundles of formerly illegal votes in order to turn an election from its true winner.
H) A return to previous standards for mail-on ballots ( MIB ); i.e.; a rejection of the new requirement for universal MIB which allows for, and encourages, massive vote fraud.
I) The defeat of H.R. 1; a House of Representatives bill designed to permanently enshrine/” legalize ” every possible corrupt voting practice so that the ultra corrupt/evil Democrat Party, the Official Party of the Plantation Masters, will never lose another election.
The Constitution Party of California declares its complete and unconditional opposition to not only all corruption in the current/recent Presidential election process but also its continuation in the slightest possible form in any future elections. This treasonous crime against our Republic must be immediately exposed and ended with all participants criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.
Recommended Actions –
Form an ” Arrest Biden ” organization in your county..Form a ” Real News ” organization in your county to expose MSM ” Fake News.”
Form a ” Honest Elections ” organization in your county. Implement all of the above noted actions to secure honest elections and voting.
Expose all individuals and organizations which support corrupt voting and The Coup.
7) Make America Great Again ( MAGA ) – Make America Constitutional Again ( MACA )
With the Democrat Party of Death yet again falsely attempting to impeach President Trump, now as part of their campaign to legitimize a completely corrupt and stolen election, the totally spineless and cowardly Republican Party ( referring here to its legions of ” RINO’s ” – Republicans In Name Only – including countless wimps/rodents such as Mitt Romney, George Conway, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Liz Cheney, Kinsinger, etc. and also known as the ” Establishment ” ) is doing exactly what can be expected of them – not only betraying the President by refusing to challenge the utterly corrupt voting process and ” result ” but also quickly jettisoning basic principles/themes of the President inclusive of ” Make America Great Again ” ( MAGA ) and ” America First.”
The unfortunate motivation and reality behind such betrayal is that the Republican Establishment –
A) is minimally in agreement with and, despite any surface pretense, has no objection to the anti-Christian principles, beliefs, religion, philosophy, and policies of the Democrat Party; i.e.; they are both ” owned ” by the Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP;
B) does not, despite any surface illusions or protestations to the contrary, believe that America is or was ” great;”
C) believes in the complete opposite of ” America First;” i.e.; merging the united States into being a subdivision of a United Nations designed ” New World Order;” also known as ” Agenda 21.”
Bottom Line – their allegiance and loyalty is first and always to the previously referenced Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP and their Satanic/Humanist religion; NOT the foundational Christian principles of the nation inclusive of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Hence since the Republican Establishment is embarrassed by, and more than happy/willing to discard, the slogan of ” MAGA ” and all that it stands for and represents the Constitution Party of California is more than happy to lift up, and proclaim as our own, the fallen banner of ” MAGA ” so stupidly rejected and trashed by the Republican Establishment.
We believe in and completely support the MAGA concepts inclusive of –
A) the Constitutional Republic of the united States was a great nation; i.e.; it was created as such;
B) it has lost its greatness;;
C) it can be, and must be, restored to greatness;
D) a vital and indispensable component of that restoration is to put ” America First;” i.e. we are a sovereign nation first and always and must never place our needs and principles below, or in second place to, the international community and/or ( especially ) the United Nations or any other One World Government entity.
Hence the Constitution Party of California enthusiastically and forever unapologetically supports and endorses :
A) let us Make America Great Again ( MAGA ); B) let us always place ” America First;”C) let us Make America Constitutional Again ( MACA ).
Since the Republican Party Establishment is busy trashing and rejecting these principles we declare that we completely support these fundamental ideas for the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.
They are now Official Mottos of our Party.
Recommended Action –
Oppose and reject the Republican Party Establishment. They will NEVER stop appeasing and groveling to the outright insanity and evil of the Democrat Party.
Support the Constitution Party of California in defending The Republic and our Christian cultural and societal foundations.
8) ” White Supremacy ” starts and ends with Planned Parenthood.
As documented at BlackGenocide.org., Planned Parenthood ( PP ) has killed more than 20 MILLION blacks; i.e.; it is the biggest killer of blacks in the history of our nation and the biggest killer of blacks in the history of the world except for the religion of Islam ( via its history as the engine of the African slave trade ).
The true history of PP, never exposed and always carefully hidden by the Plantation Master/Elite controlled MSM, is a story of the Satanic/Humanist religious promotion of ” Eugenics,” i.e.; ” Race Science;” the ” scientific ” claim that different ” races “/skin colors of people were/are genetically superior or inferior to one another.
Specifically this religious belief, hiding behind a ” cover story ” of being ” science,” developed from the Darwinian Satanist/Humanist Religion of Evolution. Here, the ” English translation ” of the phrase ” survival of the fittest ” meant that the monetarily richer caucasian founders of the Religion/fake science were automatically more ” fit;” i.e.; genetically superior; than not only non-caucasians ( referred to in our time as ” persons of color – POC ) but also chosen caucasians, such as the Irish, who were labeled as ” white trash.”
The Satanist/Humanist religious action plan of these self-proclaimed genetic ” Superiors ” was hence the answer to a simple question – Since our genetic Inferiors only know how to breed and multiply like rabbits and are too stupid to grow food and/or simply care for themselves then how do we protect our genetically Superior selves from being numerically overrun by our genetically Inferior opponents/enemies?
Planned Parenthood was the answer to this question of how to solve ” the white mans burden ” of the Superiors.
For Margaret Sanger, the Founder of PP who personally declared that blacks are ” human weeds,” immediately recognized the value of Eugenics and was a ” foaming-at-the-mouth;” i.e.; rabid; supporter of Race Science.
Hence, behind the cover story of ” womens health ” the real agenda of PP from the 1st second of its existence was to destroy the genetically inferior enemies of the self-proclaimed ” Superiors;” an action plan which continues to this second.
The end result by our current moment is a beyond spectacular success for the Plantation Master/Elite creators and controllers of PP and not simply for the ” success ” of having literally killed/shredded over 20 MILLION of their sworn enemies.
For while the ” Cuisinarting ” of black babies is of extreme importance to the Plantation Masters/Elites simply for the numerical number of their dead enemies 2 additional ” happy by-products ” are also of extreme importance :
A) the fact that the shredding death of one baby stops all future possible descendants of the child; i.e.; kill one and you kill that birth line; and ( especially )
B) you can train ( Socially Engineer ) your targets to kill themselves.
The spectacular success of B) is demonstrated across the nation by the general collapse of the black family unit as demonstrated by the exponential growth of out of wedlock children and unwed mothers. Hence by programing the destruction of the black family unit into their genetic forever enemies ” The Superiors ” can happily observe the expected and desired result – the black community decimating itself via black-on-black violence; i.e.; blacks shooting and killing each other in both staggering and ever increasing numbers.
While the promotion of A) above leads directly to B) the entire process is accelerated, protected, and enhanced by an ingenious, and absolutely vital to them, creation of Sanger, PP, and the Plantation Masters/Elites – ” The Negro Project ” ( TNP ).
Guided by Sanger, who stated ” We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,” the core element was to; via social prestige, monetary payments, and/or any other method; ” flip ” the allegiance of key black community leaders so they would minimally not oppose and preferentially openly support Planned Parenthood; irregardless of its genocidal attack and mass murdering results upon the black community. Via Social Engineering this has been a fantastic and spectacular success by its production of untold numbers of ” House Negroes.”
A black friend of this author informed me that ” House Negroes ” were the ” intersection ” between Plantation Masters and their slaves with the main duty of neutralizing and ending any manifestation of slave opposition to their living conditions.
And so it is still in our time and to this very moment.
For despite the shredding/Cusinarting death of over 20 MILLION black children and the literal 100 year + War of the Race Science/Eugenics Elites upon the black community the Democrat Party ( founders of the KKK ), as a Party filled to the brim with groveling-before-their-Masters ” House Negroes,” continues to betray the black citizens of our nation to both their literal and Socially Engineered deaths.
The bitter truth is that an Army of House Negroes; inclusive of Barack and Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Sheila Jackson Lee, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Stacey Abrams, Raphael Warnock, and countless others; are all diploma carrying graduates of ” The Negro Project ” – richly rewarded with prestige, riches, and worldly honor by their Plantation Master/VPP/Elite Controllers for selling out/betraying/backstabbing the black community both now and for generations to come to their self-considered genetically Superior enemies.
The Religion of Race Science/Evolution as expressed via the genocidal Action Plan of Planned Parenthood is hence the true and absolute expression of ” White Supremacy “/” White Superiority ” in our nation. They have produced, implemented, and literally daily operate a program designed to physically destroy black children and to train the black community to destroy its own family and community structure(s).
Thus show me a supporter of Planned Parenthood ( here’s looking at you Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, and countless other betrayers ) and I will show you a White Supremacist.
Hence the Constitution Party of California, in recognition of the continuing monstrous genocidal attack upon the black community by Planned Parenthood as a front group powered and motivated by the religious belief of so-called ” White Supremacy ” ( a branch of Satanism/Humanism ), calls/strives for the following actions :
A) a total defunding of Planned Parenthood by all government entities of any size – federal, state, or local. No government funding of even one cent should go to such a monstrous, vicious, mass murdering, and genocidal organization.
B) an open and complete public renunciation of PP by all communities in which its facilities are physically located. All political parties and their members should join in complete and unqualified condemnation of PP inclusive of its history, objectives, and actions.
C) continual demonstrations at all PP facilities demanding their complete and permanent shutdown.
The greatest expression of ” White Supremacy/Superiority ” in the history of the world – Planned Parenthood – must be stopped.
The greatest corporate enemy, and killing machine, of blacks – Planned Parenthood – must be stopped.
True ” racism ” starts and ends with Planned Parenthood and its supporters.
The Constitution Party of California – the ONLY state Party standing in defense of the black community against their Plantation Master created and controlled genocidal mass murdering enemies.
Recommended Action –
A) Form a ” Whites Against Racism – W.A.R. – Alliance ( a creation of the author ) chapter in your county ( even if you have no county PP killing center ). Plantation Master/Elite/VPP and MSM support for Black Genocide is extremely powerful ( they get hundreds of millions of government $$$$$ every year ). Every citizen will be needed to stop the institutionalized/government sanctioned killing of our black brothers and sisters.
B) Organize against/fight the ” White Supremacy/Superiority “/true racism of Planned Parenthood at every opportunity. Challenge and expose the truly racist supporters of PP.
9) ALL Lives Matter but Black Lives Matter ( BLM ) are Enemies of Humanity and Enemies of Blacks
As demonstrated via their original website, despite now being partially sanitized in response to exposure of their profound evil, BLM is a Marxist/Communist organization ( note that Marx despised blacks ) which is dedicated, among many other attacks on the black community and humanity as a whole, to the destruction of the nuclear family as part of their attempt to destroy the Christian foundations of the nation and hence America itself. Its rabid hatred of men ( especially of their main target – black men ), including their war cry of ” destroy the patriarchy,” comes naturally from its 3 self-professed lesbian Marxist founders who openly promote the spectrum of LGBT pathologies now being used to attack The Republic inclusive of their black community targets.
Hence the anchor-given-to-a-drowning-swimmer ” help ” of BLM is the last thing the black community needs as their family unit has been deliberately shattered by Planned Parenthood ( via the genocide of 20 million+ Cuisinarted and the Negro Project, see above ) and many other weapons of the Plantation Masters resulting in a catastrophic wave of black-on-black violence.
The superficial cover story genesis of BLM was the death of George Floyd; who actually died of a drug overdose the reality of which was lost in the hysteria fueled by the dumb actions of officers at the scene and ( especially ) the following ” narrative ” promoted by the Plantation Masters via their MSM stooges/hacks. In reality the Socially Engineered manipulation of the black community to do exactly what they are told to do; as with riots, looting, etc.; has been a result long ago planned for, Engineered, and desired by The Elites who then sit back and proclaim ” that is just the way they are.”
For make no mistake – BLM is a total sock-puppet which is an integral cog in the Plantation Masters War against America, specifically by promoting racial hatred. Over 1.5 BILLION dollars in corporate funding for BLM is only a partial measure of how important it is to The Elites to Socially Engineer hatred of whites/caucasians into both the black community and the culture and society of our nation as a whole.
The MSM fantasy not only promoted the lie of ” mostly peaceful protests ” to sanitize BLM rioting, looting ( including the destruction of countless black businesses ), and deaths/murders ( including retired officer David Dorn in St. Louis ) but the underlying claim that whites, including but not limited to police, were, everyday, ” hunting ” blacks.
Such outright lies are part of the now exploding Social Engineering attack of the Plantation Masters, via their BLM connected and supporting surrogates/lackeys, to build a continuous and never ending claim of ” white superiority/supremacy/privilege;” etc.; i.e.; that all caucasians not only automatically spend all day every day suppressing/oppressing blacks but that they can do it without even thinking about it. The intentional permanent demonization of all caucasians serves The Elites by both attacking whites ( as, discussed elsewhere, surrogates for their real target of Christianity ) and permanently ( even more than before ) producing ever more retarded black citizens.
For the black fool/lab rat, be they male or female, who accepts their Social Engineering training regarding ” white supremacy,” etc. proclaims ( is trained to believe/parrot ) that they are held back in life; every day, every moment, and in every way; by caucasians who are automatically ” racist ” simply by being born and who themselves spend all day every day planning and working for the demise of all blacks. Their trainers coincidentally never discuss the mass murder/genocide of 20 MILLION+ blacks Cuisinarted by themselves via abortion or even their support for the slaughter.
The Socially Engineered result is an army of blacks who make excuses for their own failures and dumb/stupid/idiotic/evil choices by forever blaming whites/caucasians; a perfect recipe for the production of a permanently retarded society and culture which produces, forever and by intent, no men and women but oodles of inferior, defective, broken, and shattered males and females.
We hence urge our black brothers and sisters –
Don’t be stupid chumps. You have the ability to develop your full capabilities and potentials. It is an outrageous Plantation Master insult to suggest that you can’t and it is totally idiotic/stupid of you to support and promote their insult/lie in the slightest possible way. Anyone of any color who promotes/endorses/spreads that lie is a stupid backstabbing rat. No one, especially any caucasian/white, is ” holding you down ” but YOU by the chains/shackles/lies in your own mind.
YOU are the one holding you down; via virtually countless ways but with the most universal/common one being YOUR OWN HATRED; i.e.; if Satan/Lucifer ( yes, we/you are in a spiritual battle ) can trick you into hating/resenting whites/caucasians and/or even your own parents ( his/Its most universal and common trick ) then you are an instant slave who has put on your own shackles by choice.
If you don’t wake up ( for REAL ) and stop being a stupid nitwit your Plantation Masters and their lackeys, the ultra evil power/engine behind BLM, will have the last and well deserved laugh over you.
Hence my black friends –
A) do the complete opposite of BLM and go back to build solid black families ( restore your men ) such as you had long ago before the Plantation Masters decided to destroy you via destroying your family ( by destroying your men );
B) don’t let the soul poison of ” Feminism ” destroy your culture/family just as the Plantation Masters ( who created it ) want to use it as a weapon against everyone;
C) the multiple front war of the Plantation Masters/Elites against blacks includes shattering your society and culture via the soul poison of the LGBT pathology. They have spent literally millions of dollars building entire organizations like the National Black Justice Coalition ( NBJC ) which is totally dedicated to Socially Engineering the black community to accept, endorse, and promote sodomy; i.e.; to finally and completely destroy the Christian foundations of the black family and community.
IMPORTANT!!!!!! – The Plantation Masters have long targeted black men/masculinity for destruction. DESTROY ( ” buck break ” ) THE MEN AND YOU DESTROY THE COMMUNITY!!!!!
There is a REASON that the Plantation Masters have formed and funded ( with a blank check ) the NBJC.
There is a REASON that young black males are mutating into ” transgenders.”
There is a REASON that the Plantation Masters and their MSM weapon are promoting the sodomite ” rapper ” Lil Nas X; i.e.; he/it is designed, and funded, to target black children, specifically boys, for soul destruction/shattering.
There is a REASON that Sanger and friends created ” The Negro Project.”
There is a REASON that so many ” House Negroes ” will betray their black brethren and support their genocidal killers.
There is a REASON that blacks have been trained to kill each other and/or anyone else.
There is a REASON for the avalanche of black-on-black crime.
These events/occurrences are NOT accidents.
Don’t let the Plantation Masters, as surrogates for their god of Satan, shatter, and rule over, your very soul.
Bottom Line – BLM is totally dedicated to ” buck-breaking “/effeminizing black men. It is an anti-Christian and anti-family front organization dedicated to using the black community as chumps/tools in service of their behind the scenes Plantation Master true Controllers/creators – caucasians all – to destroy humanity permanently including all blacks. The BLM fake public hierarchy ( as ” House Negroes,” see elsewhere ) will be/are richly rewarded for their total back-stabbing betrayal of both blacks and humanity as a whole.
My black friends – BLM totally despises the natural nuclear family; i.e.; they want to spiritually castrate black men and destroy them as leaders of the family; i.e.; to make sure that boys have no fathers and will hence be unprotected so that they will be shattered. They are hence the perfect surrogates of the Plantation Masters; the engine behind The Negro Project and every other campaign to destroy you.
My black friends – BLM totally 1,000%+ supports Planned Parenthood – the greatest killer of blacks in American history.
If you don’t care about that then you are as sick as they are and deserve your slavery for selling out humanity.
The Constitution Party of California – the ONLY Party which will work to defend the black community from the complete and monstrous evil of Black Lives Matter.
Recommended resources –
Rebuildingtheman.com – Brotherhood of a New Destiny
Jesse Lee Peterson – Rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man, Jesse Lee Peterson – From Rage to Responsibility Peterson – Scam : How the Black Leadership Exploits Blacks, Peterson – The Antidote : Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood, Jason L. Riley – Please Stop Helping Us : How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed
Recommended Action(s) –
Oppose the evil of BLM whenever possible; i.e.; defend the Black Community from the Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP who are using their sock-puppet of BLM to attack and destroy them.
10) White Nationalism –
A) We love our country; B) We don’t apologize for that; C) Caucasians have nothing to apologize for; D) Racists must apologize to Caucasians.
Nationalism – noun : identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
A) The Constitution Party of California declares that the Constitutional Republic of the united States was at its founding the greatest nation in the history of the world. As additionally discussed below ( It’s more than OK to be white ) the founding of The Republic ( NOT a ” democracy ” ) was a seminal event in a long historical process leading to many wonderful developments for humanity as a whole inclusive of the virtual elimination, excepting for current incidents in Islamic controlled areas in Africa, of slavery.
B) The engine of the historic slave trade out of Africa consisted of Islamic armies who conquered and enslaved their black targets and then drove them to the coastal areas where they were sold into slavery; literally killing millions through starvation and monstrous cruelty in the process. In fact the Islamic religion driven process of Africa slavery is literally the greatest killer of blacks in the history of the world.
It was the defeat of the Islamic ” Barbary Coast Pirates ” by the fledgling Constitutional Republic of the united States; i.e.; BY CAUCASIANS representative of Western Civilization; that was one of the events in a long battle BY CAUCASIANS representing Western Civilization, founded upon Christianity, to end both the slave trade in Islamic African and worldwide as a whole. Hence in this instance as in many others CAUCASIANS fought, and died, to stop both blacks from enslaving and killing blacks and the slavery phenomenon as a whole.
C) While we believe that our Constitutional Republic has been overthrown, replaced, and long negatively controlled by the ” Plantation Masters ” ( who – TO THIS DAY – promote REAL racism and killing blacks such as through Planned Parenthood ) we still believe in the Christian foundations and principles upon which our nation is based; i.e.; we love our country; i.e.; we are hence automatically ” nationalists;” and celebrate that throughout its history its principles have brought health, prosperity, and abundance to more people; inclusive of ” People of Color ( POC ) i.e.; primarily blacks; than any other nation in history.
Hence we do NOT ” apologize ” ( and never will ) for having a deep love for the religious principles upon which our nation was founded; principles which have blessed and advanced all of humanity and continue to do so.
D) President Trump is not, and never has been, a racist.
We use him a a singular example of the greater collective phenomenon of Caucasians being increasingly accused of racism despite both current reality and documented history.
We present that the Social Engineering phrases of ” white supremacy,” ” white superiority,” etc. are code words for the real target – Christianity; i.e.; whenever you hear the word ” white ” used as a pejorative ( adj. – expressing contempt or disapproval ) simply substitute ” Christian.”
The reason for this, extremely condensed but with our attached challenge to demonstrate and debate any claimed inaccuracy, is as follows –
Within the major monotheistic religions off the world; Islam, Judaism, and Christianity; there are many subdivisions. For Islam these consist primarily of Sunni and Shiite divisions. In Christianity the spectrum spans from Unitarianism to Catholicism with many other branches. In Judaism a similar range includes Orthodox, Reform, and others.
Such ” others ” include ” Talmudic Judaism,” a branch of Judaism which does NOT have the Bible, or even the Torah ( 1st 5 books of the Bible ), as its authoritative text. Instead for this branch of Judaism primary motivation and guidance are found in the ” Talmud,” considered as the oral ( not written as with the 10 commandments ) statements of Moses which are passed on by rabbis through the years and also accumulated with commentaries added. Of the 2 primary Talmuds the Babylonian is considered more authoritative than the Jerusalem commentary.
The relevance to our current political situation is as follows :
A) the Talmud declares that Jesus Christ was a sorcerer; B) it claims that Christ did NOT die on the cross but instead was hung by the Jews; C) it claims that the Jews were/are GLAD that Christ was hung; D) it claims that, because he was a sorcerer, Christ is sitting in hell in boiling feces at this second; E) it claims that Mary was a prostitute; F) it claims that her liaison with a Roman soldier produced Christ.
Bottom Line – Over 2,000 years ago, and as documented in the Bible, the Jews of that time ( inclusive of those known as the Sanhedrin and Pharisees ) killed Christ. Their following and never-ending hatred of Christianity, primarily due to the loss of their exclusive ” Chosen People ” status when Christ extended salvation to include Gentiles ( everyone else ), has continued to this moment, primarily through the Judaism subdivision known as ” Sabbatean Frankism.”
The result for our time is that the War Against Christianity is both financed and implemented by the tag-team religions of Satanism/Humanism and the Sabbatean Frankism ( SF ) division of Judaism.
It is from these religious War roots that we see the cultural manifestations of –
A) the War on, and the media attack on, Christianity;B) the abortion/Cuisinarting War on the unborn;C) the War to destroy the traditional/normal/natural/healthy/sane family of man, woman, and children;D) the War to support/legalize sodomite/homosexual marriage;E) the War to promote the psychosis of ” transgenderism;”F) the War to claim that there are more than 2, and in fact an infinite number of, genders;G) the War to claim that every caucasian is automatically racist; H) the War to claim that caucasians must apologize for their ” privilege;”I) the War to claim that everyday all caucasians work, from dawn to dusk and beyond, to oppress all black people;J) the War to claim that ” systemic racism;” caused and maintained by caucasians; is a daily threat to, and attack on, blacks;K) the War to claim that ” White Nationalism;” i.e.; caucasians who love their country; are a national security threat ( also referred to now as ” domestic terrorists” );L) the War on women and femininity known as ” Feminism;”M) the War on men and masculinity inclusive of ” toxic masculinity;”N) the War on men via the production of pornography ( see below );O) any attack upon any manifestation of the Christian foundations of our nation; here inclusive of Christopher Columbus, public statues, etc.
” We Jews. We are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” Maurice Samuel; Jewish author of ” You Gentiles.”
” If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease…” Noel Ignatiev, Communist and Jewish philosopher.
” The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists…Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.” Noel Ignatiev
” The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.” Noel Ignatiev
” The white race is the cancer of human history.” Susan Sontag, Jewish writer.
Make no mistake – these and countless other expressions of The War Against Humanity are manifestations of the religious War between Christianity and its enemies of SF Judaism and Satanism/Humanism.
Criticism of the hatred of Sabbatean Frankist Judaism against Christianity and for its actions from A) through O) as noted above will draw a standard Social Engineering charge of ” anti-semite ” ( semite – noun : a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs ). Our criticism here is not of an entire group; i.e.; Jewish people as a whole; but rather an extremely venomous/evil religious sub-group which is the engine behind virtually countless attacks upon the foundations of Western Civilization inclusive of the current Wars/campaign against anything ” white ” whether it exists or not – superiority, supremacism, nationalism, privilege, etc.
Our criticism/challenge of our noted Evil is hence not of Judaic brethren who wish to live in harmony with humanity but rather the Judaic division which seeks to destroy its self-proclaimed Christian enemies via the mass destruction of humanity as a whole with its own installation as rulers over the rubble created by their attack.
This religious sub-group is at the same time the engine ( including especially financial ) behind, and motivating force of, the genocidal ( over 20 MILLION ” Cuisinarted ” ) War of Planned Parenthood against blacks.
Bottom Line(s) –
1) the very people proclaiming that ” White Supremacy/Nationalism ” is a ” national security threat ” are the engine behind the monstrous genocidal War Upon Blacks by Planned Parenthood; i.e; they are ” racists ” in the truest sense of the word;
2) these same people totally despise the Christian foundations of our society, culture, and nation. The attack against ” White fill-in-the-blank ” is hence in fact part of an extremely organized Social Engineering attack to demonize Christianity in order for its mortal enemies of Satanism/Humanism and SF Judaism to succeed in destroying the Life Religion base of our nation.
The Constitution Party of California hence declares that ” White Nationalism ” is not only a defense of caucasians and their contributions to humanity via Western Civilization, not only expressive of our love of our nation, but even more so is expressive of Christianity – the religious foundation of our nation and the Religion of Life upon which all men are Brothers in Christ.
We hence, as White Nationalists; i.e.; as caucasians who love their country; stand –
A) in defense of, and love for, our country;B) in Christian defense of all of humanity against its Death Religion opponents; andC) in defense of our black brethren against their genocidal attackers.
It is they who must apologize to us and humanity as a whole for their profound evil(s).
Recommended resources –
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ( Authors comment – this document is NOT ” fabricated.” It is an authentic document regarding the War Against Humanity. ).
RedIce.tv – News and Commentary regarding opposing Communism and defending caucasians and humanity as a whole.
Marching to Zion – documentary regarding Sabbatean Frankist Judaism.
11) The LGBT War Against Humanity
- A) There is no such thing as ” gay.” The acronym stands for ” Going After Youth ” and is in fact a Social Engineering/Marketing/Advertising term to sanitize, and promote social acceptance of, the real actions of those afflicted by the condition who are properly referred to as ” sodomites.”
- B) There is no such thing as ” transgender.” It does not exist. See our discussion below.
- C) Homosexuality is a soul pathology produced by hatred/resentment of parents; most especially of the father. Participation in and/or acceptance of the pathology occurs by, and is produced by, the initial emotional soul poisoning followed by acceptance of and allegiance to the religion of Satanism/Humanism; i.e.; the breaking and enslavement of the target soul. There is no such thing as a Christian homosexual; i.e.; a REAL Christian who participates in and/or supports homosexuality in any way. There are only ” recovering ” Christian homosexuals who no longer support and/or participate in their former affliction.
- D) Satanism/Humanism is the religious base and motivation of the LGBT War Against Humanity as well as the singular afflicted person identifying with and within the afflicted group. That War is dedicated, in every action which they do, to the complete destruction of Christianity; in particular the nuclear family, men, women, children, and all moral, cultural, societal, and national expressions of Christianity. All so-called ” Pride ” parades are in fact Satanism/Humanism religious celebrations and festivals whose purpose is to Socially Engineer the populace to reject Christianity and to accept their own demise via cultural and societal dominance of the anti-Christian Death Religion.
- E) The automatic/” natural ” expression of the religious base of Satanism/Humanism is to attack Christian sexual mores which oppose sexual deviancy with the knowledge that participation in such pathology virtually automatically, via soul trauma, assures at least minimal allegiance to the religion of Satanism/Humanism; i.e.; sodomites must convert their targets from Christianity in order to successfully poison/enslave/destroy them.
While Christianity promotes Christ as its inspirational standard bearer and subsequently develops social mores and laws which protect and promote the natural nuclear family, especially inclusive of women and children such as laws against incest and child molestation, the standard bearer of the LGBT War Machine is the Marquis De Sade whose religious dedication was to ignore, overcome, and destroy ” taboos,” i.e.; moral prohibitions against sexual pathology/deviancy.
Such ” taboos;” i.e.; Christian suggestions, mores, and even laws which oppose and prohibit their opposite of sex with anything and anyone at any time and for any reason; are hence automatically at war with the core goal of the LGBT War Machine – to eliminate Christian sexual perspectives, and Christianity itself, from having any influence upon our culture, society, and nation.
As sodomite philosophers have concisely addressed their problems and goals they state that homosexuals can NEVER be ” free ” until ALL children are ” free;” i.e.; that children, at ANY age, can have sex with anyone at any time and for any reason with NO legal, societal, and/or cultural impediments/opposition of the slightest degree. In conjunction with United Nations declarations that children are sexual beings FROM THE MOMENT OF BIRTH ( a declaration from Alfred Kinsey ) the English Translation of the Sodomite Declaration is that all laws impeding any sexual actions by sodomites in any way must be overturned and eliminated.
This is why the full legalization of child molestation, referred to as ” intergenerational sex ” by the LGBT War Machine, is an ultimate aim/goal of their Movement; a victory already planned for via the now dead carcass of the Supreme Court; i.e.; a Court which refused to oppose massive election fraud but will, at the appropriate time, enthusiastically hear a case intended to ” legalize ” an ultimate dream of the sodomite War Machine.
For just as sodomite marriage was ” legalized ” by an anti-Christian Satanist/Humanist religion dominated Court and Court system, with the rise of “The Junta ” to rulership of the nation via the fake election of Fake President Biden so also will child molestation be legalized via the claim that each child has a ” civil right ” to sex at any age and for any reason. The same philosophy, religion, and legal process/precedents which ” legalized ” sodomite ” marriage ” will declare that a child of any age can mutilate themselves into a transgender ( ideas fully supported by Fake President Biden ) and will then be simply transferred over to complete the relatively simple process of legalizing ( claiming a ” civil right ” ) child sex.
Child sex, with the claim that it is the desire/” choice “/” civil right ” of the child, will be reclassified as a ” sexual orientation ” and ” sexual preference;” a process already near virtual completion by the LGBT War ( against humanity ) Machine.
The Socially Engineered populace, inclusive of armies of Undead man-hating Feminists and limp-wristed ” beta ” males ( see below ), will not have the slightest peep against this crime against humanity simply because it is ” framed ” to be accepted by their conditioning – How can you deny a ” civil right ” of children to have sex when they want? Answer – the degenerate populace and the Supreme Court will declare that you can’t.
A populace Socially Engineered to parrot/repeat the world wide motto of child molesters – ” Love is Love ” – will, as planned and designed, gradually forget/ignore all current laws protecting children from attack and allow their replacement by ” sex-positive ” laws which promote the ” new understanding ” of how what was previously considered evil/sick ( but only because of religious ” bigotry ” ) is now understood to be liberating and enlightening by truly ” progressive ” people.
The entire purpose of ” Drag Queen Story Hours ” and every other action of the LGBT War Machine is to Socially Engineer/soul poison the populace to fully accept, endorse, and promote their ” trilobite ” ( see below ) of legalized child sex.
Hence a Satanist/Humanist stacked deck Court will easily ” legalize ” the catastrophic attack upon humanity of child sex legalization and a Socially Engineered populace, inclusive of the entire Democrat Party, will both not make a peep against and will enthusiastically support legalized child sex.
To stop the LGBT War Machine Juggernaut from annihilating the Christian cultural and social foundations of the nation, including countless generations of children to come, citizens must overcome their own ongoing everyday Social Engineering and do what they are being trained not to do – to say NO to the LGBT War Machine.
Such resistance requires true love; i.e.; telling the truth to homosexually afflicted persons that their actions are due to a soul pathology. The ever diminishing possibility of this occurrence results from recognition by the Plantation Masters of the need to infiltrate and destroy the Christian church in order to neutralize and eliminate opposition to their ultimate Socially Engineered Satanic/Humanist victory.
Hence by exploiting both the ” natural ” overwhelming human tendency to protect their ego/image by not fighting back against attackers; i.e.; ” go along to get along;” and the warping/collapse of American Christianity from a true Church into a business far more concerned with ” nickels and noses ” than Salvation the Plantation Masters via their lackeys have set the Socially Engineered stage for the cultural collapse of the nation via the ultimate legalization of child molestation/sex.
Unless you say NO.
The Constitution Party of California – the last Party which will, via true love, say NO to both the legalization of child molestation/sex and the LGBT War Machine/” Trilobite ” ( see below ) in its attack upon humanity.
Recommended Resources –
TheyAreAttackingTheChildren.org MassResistance.org Health Hazards of Homosexuality – Mass Resistance
Note # 1 – Mass ( short for Massachusetts ) Resistance was formed years ago in response to a Planned Parenthood elementary school presentation/attack which, inclusive of their standard ” Don’t tell your parents ” coaching, instructed students in the common sodomite practice known as ” fisting;” i.e.; insertion of a closed fist into the anal cavity.
Planned Parenthood is in complete allegiance to, and is an action arm of, the LGBT War Machine in its attack against humanity with their ” speciality ” ( separate from Cuisinarting/shredding children ) being the soul destruction/shattering of children via Social Engineering; i.e.; inducing emotional trauma to warp/break the target child.
The purpose of the ” fisting ” class was to emotionally shatter/break the target children via the moral depravity/sickness/trauma/degeneracy of the soul shock produced by the presentation. The intent is to produce a pathological cascade through the targets; i.e.; the freshly broken children would produce a pathological wave of sickness/degeneracy through all other children extending through society as a whole.
The Action Plan of the LGBT War Machine, working through its PP demon soldiers, intends to attack ALL children of our nation with this same, and many other forms of, depravity. Their goal is to soul break/shatter the children of America.
Will Americans have the courage to save their children from such outright evil or will they be Socially Engineered to sacrifice their children on the LGBT/PP altar? Will Americans be Socially Engineered to be far more concerned about their ” image ” than the souls of their children?
The Constitution Party of California stands with the current and future children of our state and nation against the monstrous depraved attack upon them by the LGBT War Machine.
We invite our opponents to publicly expose themselves as Satanism/Humanism S.F. Judaism supporters of the soul death of the children of our nation via LGBT War Machine attack.
Recommended Action –
Host a Straight Pride Parade in your town/county.
Note # 2 – The author is the Founder and Director of the National Straight Pride Coalition; found at NationalStraightPrideCoalition.org.
We organized the 1st Straight Pride Parade/Event in the history of our nation on Sat. Aug. 24th, 2019 in Modesto. CA with a 2nd event being held in Aug. 2020. Our 3rd Straight Pride Parade will be held in Modesto on Sat. Aug. 28th, 2021.
Our Mission is found on our front web page – to save the noted babies ( representing all future generations ) from the soul death attack of the Satanist/Humanist LGBT War Machine.
Our Straight Pride Event/Parade hence represents the exact opposite of a Sodomite Pride Parade -, We celebrate Life, -We celebrate masculinity ( real men, not sodomites ) -We celebrate femininity ( real women, not lesbians ) -We celebrate children born and unborn, -We celebrate the natural nuclear family of man, woman, and children – We celebrate all people and all races – We celebrate Western Civilization -We celebrate Christianity. Our motto is – ” Normal, Natural, Healthy, Sane.”
We celebrate Life. Our opponents celebrate death.
This fact is illustrated by our Event ending point – the Modesto Planned Parenthood office; the local killing center of the world-wide genocidal anti-humanity War Machine of the Plantation Masters inclusive of 20 MILLION + blacks shredded/Cuisinarted in America alone.
Our opponents – motivated by the religions of Satanism/Humanism and S.F. Judaism – are the foot soldiers/orcs/demons of the Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP. They completely despise our Celebration of Life and everything which it stands for. They completely support everything which our Contract opposes.
Dear Citizen – Our culture, society, and nation of Life is dying. It is under unrelenting attack. We invite you to join us in the counterattack by celebrating Life in your community and restoring the Celebration of Life to our nation. We invite you to join us in defense of The Republic and humanity.
Note # 3 – The LGBT War Machine is currently seeking passage of the so-called ” Equality Act;” i.e.; the legal enshrinement of every current and future LGBT pathology/sickness into legal superiority ( NOT ” equality ” ) in EVERY area of our society, culture, and nation.
Current pathologies – every LGBT sickness which our discourse/essay addresses such as full legal recognition of the transgender pathology inclusive of legal requirements ( on threat of fines/jail time ) that you address the psychotic with their chosen pronouns; she/her for fake/mutilated dude ” women,” etc.
Future pathologies – ( currently not promoted for obvious public relations reasons ) public recognition of, and full legal recognition of and protection for, ” coprophagia ” ( ingestion of feces ), a common sodomite practice, as a ” civil right ” ( also a ” sexual orientation ” ); only 1 of many intended.
ALL of these pathologies will have full political ( Democrat Party ) and legal support to be forcefully indoctrinated into ALL children via the public school system.
Bottom Line – There is no limit to the evil, sickness, and depravity which the LGBT War Machine has planned for The Republic; most especially their main target(s) of children.
Passage of the ” Equality Act ” will be a massive victory in the LGBT War Against Humanity. It will lead to the soul decimation of countless children.
12) Save children from the soul molestation of ” transgender.”
There is no such thing as ” transgender.” It does not exist. What does exist are broken/shattered people who pretend to be the opposite sex and even mutilate themselves in a psychotic attempt to rationalize and legitimize their soul poison/pathology; primarily their hatred/resentment of their parents. This includes children who are used as pawns by extremely vicious, degenerate, and evil/monstrous people to advance an anti-Christian religious agenda against our nation.
In our Constitutional Republic we have a right to be psychotic as long as we do not hurt ourselves or others. But we have no right to teach children that a psychotic condition such as ” transgenderism ” is normal, natural, healthy, or sane in the slightest degree. To do so is a form of child molestation.
The Plantation Masters/VPP/Elites who rule our nation have implemented a massive and monstrous multi-billion dollar Social Engineering attack upon humanity to normalize the soul pathology of ” transgender.”
The reason for this is religious; i.e.; the Bible proclaims that God made man and woman while Satanism/Humanism proclaims that there is no God and that humans make themselves.
That is why the psychotic/ultra evil LGBT War Machine can claim that there are an unlimited number of genders. It is also why after ” transgenderism ” is ” normalized ” via Socially Engineering the next insanity/attack will be ” trans-species ” ( I proclaim myself to be a squirrel/elephant/dolphin/zebra/etc. ) followed by ” trans-planet ” ( I proclaim myself to be from Mars/Venus/Krypton, etc. ).
All of these insanities will eventually be legally/mandatorily taught in the public schools to children at the youngest ages ( kindergarten and earlier ) as normal, natural, healthy, and sane – the exact opposite of reality. Societal affirmation and mandatory support for these obvious insanities will be politically organized by the Democrat Party leading to passage of laws requiring promotion of such pathologies and countless other LGBT sicknesses.
Hence the Constitution Party of California, as the last political party which will actively and openly work to protect children from the LGBT War Against Humanity Machine, demands the following actions :
- A) An immediate permanent suspension of all public school programs which in any way support teaching that the soul pathology of ” transgenderism ” is normal, natural, healthy, or sane in the slightest way possible;
- B) an immediate permanent suspension by all state government agencies of any type of any suggestion that there are more than 2 biological genders;
- C) an immediate permanent suspension by all governmental agencies of any type of any support in any possible way for the promotion of ” drag queens ” as anything other than a pathological state of existence;
- D) an immediate permanent suspension of all medical programs which attempt in any way to support children being physically mutilated, either outwardly or inwardly via biochemistry, into their opposite sex;
- E) an immediate permanent suspension of all laws requiring pathological usage of pronouns; i.e.; no law shall require a citizen to use language, inclusive of pronouns, to affirm, support. and/or promote pathological conditions such as ” transgenderism;”
- F) an immediate permanent suspension of all laws claiming a biological possibility of more than 2 genders; i.e.; drivers licenses, birth certificates, and any other documents will be prohibited from giving options for 3rd or other genders such as ” X,” etc. Only the gender options of man/woman and boy/girl will be allowed on all governmental and legal documents.
To reiterate : the promotion of ” transgender ” has a very specific purpose – to break children by Socially Engineering them to accept, support, and then promote total insanity so that the overall country will be broken. Break the children and you break the country. This is why the Democrat Party of Death, working with Planned Parenthood, is ( starting in Illinois ) promoting sex education for all children across the nation starting in KINDERGARTEN. It is one attack of many designed to collectively, and eventually, shatter and destroy the Republic by destroying its Christian foundations via destroying/shattering the children.
The Constitution Party of California; the last political party which will fight to defend children, humanity, and the future against the insanity and complete evil of the LGBT War Against Humanity Machine.
Resources – MassResistance.org
TheyAreAttackingTheChildren.org When Harry became Sally – Ryan Thompson Irreversible Damage – Abigail Shrier
Note # 1 – The extreme importance to the Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP of promoting the soul sickness of transgenderism is demonstrated by the recent MSM Time Magazine cover story regarding Ellen Page; a psychotic/broken female actress who has self-mutilated herself ( cut off her breasts ) and now claims to be male with a name of ” Elliot.” The Time article is intended to certify, endorse, and promote the current Socially Engineered national hysteria of teen age girls permanently mutilating themselves in a useless attempt to escape their soul poisoning; i.e.; their hatred/resentment of their parents, most specifically of their father.
- For the multiple reasons which we discuss throughout our Contract text inclusive of –
- A) the Plantation Masters drive to destroy masculinity and feminity ( the core of a natural, normal, healthy, and sane nuclear family; i.e.; the best family for raising children ) by downgrading/soul breaking men into their inferior male copies/counterparts and women similarly into females ( break the men and/or family and you break/destroy/conquer the nation ); and
- B) the Plantation Masters drive to replace Christianity ( God made you – you don’t/can’t make yourself ) with Satanism/Humanism ( there is no god and you can make yourself into transgender/species/planet or anything else ).
- Be assured – the Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP have a blank check written ( whatever billions are needed ) to destroy the very idea of man, woman, boy, or girl; i.e.; to normalize insanity.
They are doing this to achieve a very specific goal and they will sacrifice endless numbers of broken Ellen Pages to achieve their ultimate Satanic victory – the death of the American Republic by breaking the souls of its children.
Will you sacrifice your own child on the Aztec altar of transgenderism?
Will you stand by and not oppose the demonic psychotic attack of LGBT transgenderism upon the souls of the children of our nation?
The ” soul poisoning ” which broke Ellen Page, and which breaks any child into the countless soul sicknesses which are possible, was her hatred/resentment of her parents and more specifically of her father. This is the never-to-be-escaped-without-repentance spiritual soul hole/wound which is the driving force behind both her current self-mutilation and her future even more shattered no longer life but now simply existence to come.
The Plantation Masters KNOW THIS. They are CULTIVATING this soul poison via Social Engineering and many other ways. They know that they can soul break the children of the nation, YOUR CHILDREN, by using broken Ellen Pages and Bruce Jenners as battering rams against the children of the nation/Republic.
How to stop them and save our children and The Republic?
Simply do what our citizens are being Socially Engineered NOT to do – tell the truth. Tell Ellen Page and any similar psychotic – No, you are NOT a male. You are NOT ” Elliot.” You are Ellen. Now stop hating/resenting your parents and especially your father.. You can then be healed.
Tell Bruce Jenner and any similar psychotic – No, you are NOT a female. You are NOT ” Kaitlyn.” You are Bruce. Now stop hating/resenting your parents and especially your father. You can then be healed.
Telling the truth to the afflicted in Christian Love. The Truth which no one else ( because they are loveless ) will tell them. Because you are the only person who is truly honest with them. The only person who will show them true Love.
Only Christian Love, true Love, can stop the LGBT/Transgenderism War Machine nightmare dictatorship ” deacon ” ( see below ) planned for rulership over the dead body of The Republic; over the shattered children.
You will find that the corporate Christian church has, due to LGBT War Machine attack, largely collapsed in its ability to even find, much less apply, Christian Love. They will sacrifice/support the soul sickness of endless Ellens and Bruces to protect their public ” image;” their most important possession.
Hence the battle to save the children of the nation from annihilation by the LGBT War Machine/” Trilobite ” ( see below ) is largely now left to the singular Christian Warrior.
The Constitution Party of California stands with you in defense of The Republic and humanity as a whole.
Recommended Action – boycott everything involving Marvel Comics and the Disney Company. As discussed below; Disney, the formerly Life promoting company founded by Walt Disney, is now under complete control of the tag team anti-Christian and anti-Life religions of Satanism/Humanism and S.F. Judaism.
This is the driving/motivating reason why they can have their sub-company, Marvel Comics, produce a teenage sodomite Captain America character for the specific purposes of –
- 1) continuing and accelerating the breakdown of masculinity throughout our culture and society; i.e.; there is no such thing as a homosexual man, only males ( defective/deficient/broken men ) are homosexually afflicted.
- 2) normalizing the soul pathology of homosexuality both in teenage boys and throughout the culture and society.
Socially Engineering the downgrading of men into males and women into females via breaking the children of America is now, despite any surface appearances to the contrary, the, albeit slowly emerging, Plantation Master assigned purpose and mission of Disney; i.e. their Life affirming and supporting original idea/purpose is gone.
Hence Disney/Marvel; as a tool/weapon of the Elites/VPP and as with any other anti-family and anti-Republic manifestation of the Death Religion(s); must be challenged and defeated. We must boycott/starve their Evil.
Note # 2 – CNN psychotic reporter writes ” not possible to know person’s gender identity at birth.”
English translation – The pinnacle of Evil in the MSM is sending the latest Social Engineering orders/instructions from the Plantation Masters/Elites/VPP – we make your reality and no matter how stupid, insane, or sick it may be it is truth if we say it. We will teach you that there is no such thing as a boy and/or a girl and you will not only believe it but you will parrot it.
Dear Citizen. – Your children and, especially, grandchildren are going to be attacked by this insanity. Are you REALLY going to allow that to happen??? Do you really need any more demonstrations to know that demons in human form really do exist?
13) Save the children – abandon the public school system.
The Rest Is Coming Soon ….. Stay Tuned