Navigating Covid-19 But Leaving Americans’ Liberties Intact

“Since Covid lockdowns and mandates are making a comeback as the new delta strain rapidly spreads across the country and government overreach is now a hot topic again, here is the Constitution Party’s Response to dealing with Covid. This is an issue that all humanity can relate to and we want our visitors to know the Constitution Party is current on critical issues. Even though this Response was written 15 months ago and adopted during the May 2020 National Convention, with all that has happened since then, this Response has been proven to contain truths that should resonate with people across the globe.”
Navigating Covid-19 But Leaving Americans’ Liberties Intact
A Response to the Crisis by the Constitution Party
May 4, 2020
In the management of the current national crisis involving the Covid-19 virus, the actions of the Federal Government are unprecedented and violate the Constitution of the United States in many ways.
First and foremost though, our hearts and prayers go out to our fellow Americans who have lost loved ones and friends the past few months, either from the virus itself or in other ways related to the virus, including those suffering from depression or something similar and whose lives ended tragically too soon. The government’s cure is certainly proving to be more deadly than the disease.
Secondly, the Federal Reserve has been unconstitutional since its creation, thus the entire bailout is also unconstitutional. For 27 years, the Constitution Party has supported an audit and abolishment of the Federal Reserve.
The following unconstitutional actions serve to illustrate that the precedent has been set that the Federal Government can without limit, do anything it wants to do.
- Trillions have been allocated to bailout failing corporations. Capitalism as an economic system has ended because for Capitalism to succeed, corporations must be allowed to fail.
- The economy is in lockdown forcing many businesses to close, resulting in mass unemployment. Businesses both large and small are reduced to going before the Federal Government as beggars in hopes of being handed a way to keep the American workers employed.
- American citizens are ordered to shelter at home and the order is enforced by armed police.
- Houses of worship are ordered to close with some pastors arrested for violating the order.
The Federal Government has taken control of the free market so that now the Federal Government is the market. The Federal Government, with its trillions of new monetary input, is now approximately 50% of GDP so in effect, the Federal Government is the market.
In fairness to the Federal Government, this is an unprecedented and problematic time. Difficult choices must be faced. Save the economy by lifting the stay-at-home orders or save the weak and elderly by continuing the stay-at-home orders long term. A predicted 30% drop in American GDP this quarter represents a reduced lifestyle as well as the impoverishment of millions of people. It will also end their hopes, dreams and aspiration for the future. Mass unemployment is a public health concern since calamities such as depression, stress related disease and suicide always increase. On the other hand, to ignore the danger to the weak and elderly is not a part of the American DNA.
Should the Constitution Party follow suit with the other political parties and second guess the President of the United States as he tries to manage this national crisis? Perhaps the Swedes have something to offer us. They have elected to keep their economy going and enforce social distancing only on the most vulnerable. The young and healthy are working, interacting and thereby building herd immunity. Their system is designed to survive long term, not just for a couple of months. As a result, Swedish GDP is predicted to fall only 4% this quarter.
The United States has a Constitution for a reason, and if our elected officials abide by its restrictions:
- Capitalism would succeed as weak corporations would be allowed to fail and be replaced with stronger corporations. The Free Market would return.
- Mass unemployment would return to near full employment
- The weak and elderly could protect themselves by staying separated from those who might carry a disease that would be harmful to them, much as they do during regular flu season.
- Government would stay out of the business of the churches, synagogues and mosques.
An interesting thing about all this has been the return, however slight, of the concept of federalism which is the founders’ concept that sovereignty resided in the states, and the federal government had only the powers ceded to it by the states.
The governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem said, “The people themselves are primarily responsible for their safety.” She quoted both the state and federal Constitutions as restricting her ability to order a stay at home. Governor Noem is opposed in her view by Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, who seems to have taken totalitarian rule to a new level. Michigan residents are forbidden to travel to their own property within the state. The people of Michigan cannot legally buy seeds or garden equipment, and neither can they buy a car seat for their child’s safety. None of those things are considered essential by the governor.
These examples show Federalism in action versus a one-size fits all approach from Washington DC. It is worth giving President Trump credit for his restraint against issuing a nationwide stay-at-home order because, in his words, “we have a U.S. Constitution” so State and Local governments can best determine what works in their communities.
And finally, the solution to the COVID-19 Pandemic, and any others coming our way in the future, is to FEAR NOT. Fear has always been the tool used most effectively by those who want to rule the entire world and it is fear of catching the virus that has caused most of our fellow Americans to willingly give up their lives and constitutionally protected liberties which were endowed to us by the Creator.
As a responsible political party, we must be willing to tell the Federal Government that there is a better way – the protection of individual rights and a strong economy through the United States Constitution.
Darrell Castle, For the Constitution Party
Approved by the 2020 National Convention of the Constitution Party